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Popped in to play a session after a few months....



  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited March 2023
    TheWaddy said:

    Here we have another ol' mate 'HIfi'... blasts every hand, doesnt budge from it... so real deck it would be easy to wait at low blinds, to hit a flop knowing 100% he is betting it max... a flat call will ensure a turn max bet out of position and then you can all in, knowing there is just 1 card to come.

    Its not so easy online, due to the high level of simply not allowing cheap giveaways.

    TheWaddySmall blind10.0010.001380.00
    hifiBig blind20.0030.001590.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 10
    • K
    • 10
    • 3
    • A
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 5
    • 9
    • 4
    • K
    • K
    hifiWin highThree Kings2780.003000.00
    No qualifying low hand
    looking at that hand in isolation, i would be asking myself;

    why did I not raise preflop?
    then why did I only call his raise preflop instead of pot sized reraise?

    not doing so are basic flaws/both mistakes imo. villain is under no pressure from the off. easy for him preflop.

    on that flop, if you reraised pot instead of trying to continue the slow play, good chance hifi mucks his king, with no flush or low draw possibilities, even more so if you hadda raised preflop........

    on the turn, the 3 looks like a blank to hifi, I guess he thinks you are trying to steal the pot on a bluff and believes his pair of kings is good, because if you had a 10 in your hand, you woulda/shoulda/coulda let him know on the flop.

    the king river > well thats just how the poker gods roll aint it, suppose thats what we all get for trying to be fancy with slow plays, pre n on flop, instead of just getting it in when we are ahead.

    this hand is unlucky to lose for sure but its poor play from you waddy not evidence of match fixing imo.

    fwiw i do sympathise with you and understand the frustration and feelings, i think most of us players struggle with the mental game more than the game play.

    If you reason that he is gonna be all in every hand anyway, then i guess you just need to pick your spots better, single pair hands, that are not double suited and have no low draw maybe worth just mucking, tough to play against all in every hand, sometimes you just need to fight fire with fire and how does that song go, you gotta roll with the punches to get to whats real.

  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited March 2023
    Kinda6677 said:

    Or there sh1t?

    you need to get some new ears hahahaha class!
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Nah they are fine, unlike that song
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,476
    I don't know why but I wanna post this great song.
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    lucy4 said:

    I don't know why but I wanna post this great song.

    those were the days
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Saving Private Waddy...

  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    goldon said:

    Saving Private Waddy...

    LM FAO B):DB):DB):DB):DB):D>:)
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    TheWaddy said:

    Here we have another ol' mate 'HIfi'... blasts every hand, doesnt budge from it... so real deck it would be easy to wait at low blinds, to hit a flop knowing 100% he is betting it max... a flat call will ensure a turn max bet out of position and then you can all in, knowing there is just 1 card to come.

    Its not so easy online, due to the high level of simply not allowing cheap giveaways.

    TheWaddySmall blind10.0010.001380.00
    hifiBig blind20.0030.001590.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 10
    • K
    • 10
    • 3
    • A
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 5
    • 9
    • 4
    • K
    • K
    hifiWin highThree Kings2780.003000.00
    No qualifying low hand
    looking at that hand in isolation, i would be asking myself;

    why did I not raise preflop?
    then why did I only call his raise preflop instead of pot sized reraise?

    not doing so are basic flaws/both mistakes imo. villain is under no pressure from the off. easy for him preflop.

    on that flop, if you reraised pot instead of trying to continue the slow play, good chance hifi mucks his king, with no flush or low draw possibilities, even more so if you hadda raised preflop........

    on the turn, the 3 looks like a blank to hifi, I guess he thinks you are trying to steal the pot on a bluff and believes his pair of kings is good, because if you had a 10 in your hand, you woulda/shoulda/coulda let him know on the flop.

    the king river > well thats just how the poker gods roll aint it, suppose thats what we all get for trying to be fancy with slow plays, pre n on flop, instead of just getting it in when we are ahead.

    this hand is unlucky to lose for sure but its poor play from you waddy not evidence of match fixing imo.

    fwiw i do sympathise with you and understand the frustration and feelings, i think most of us players struggle with the mental game more than the game play.

    If you reason that he is gonna be all in every hand anyway, then i guess you just need to pick your spots better, single pair hands, that are not double suited and have no low draw maybe worth just mucking, tough to play against all in every hand, sometimes you just need to fight fire with fire and how does that song go, you gotta roll with the punches to get to whats real.

    Im not sure you read my post properly... HiFi is not doing anything different in this hand whatever he has! Thanks for the tips on me playing this hand poorly and what a good starting hand is, etc...but you not looking at this right at all.

    Hifi is not mucking anything on the flop, like you suggest he may do if i play differently....nothing looks like anything to Hifi on the turn, he does not care what he has, he is betting max even if he has complete air.

    There is no poor play from me here against Hifi with an internet deck. I dont want to play big pots until i have a hand and when i have a hand i dont want to raise preflop, flop or indeed turn as the deck in my games, has a very high likelyhood to help him out if it becomes an all in situation with 2+ cards left to come.

    Your talking about a better spot for all in and that my hand is not good... You talk about HIfi being all in every hand.... this isnt possible, its a pot limit game, im controlling the size of the pot until im comfortable that he has little chance and only 1 card max to come.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Another player who plays hold em within a hi lo game is ScouseMick.... will it let him giveaway or will a miracle card come? odds says it wont, experience says it most definitely will....
    ScouseMickSmall blind50.0050.002130.00
    TheWaddyBig blind100.00150.00720.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 5
    • 4
    • 7
    • 2
    • 3
    • 3
    • 6
    • 10
    • 10
    • Q
    • 9
    • 9
    • 5
    • 4
    • 7
    • 10
    ScouseMickWin highFull House, 10s and 3s820.002180.00
    TheWaddyWin low6-low820.00820.00
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2023
    If anyone has a hi lo hand heads up hand that they want to post, where their opponent is calling an all in or reraising all in on the turn... with a hand that you can only describe as simply just trying to give their chips away... and scooped... please id love to see it!

    A serious challenge, as i personally have never seen it happen. When you 'see more hands online', i would have thought id have seen an absolute barrel of them, but yet to see it. Im not talking a bad beat where the opponent had a legitimate reason to think he may be winning, just giveaway attempts like these please.

    NB If 'seeing more hands online' is the reason im seeing a whole host of these examples overturn the odds, then i should also be seeing far, far more of the times such ridiculous hands dont win than live too... im not seeing any. I win games sure, but not via these extreme situations.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    If anyone wants to put up The Tremeloes 'Silence is Golden', now would be a good time.... :D:D:D
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Your music taste is bad
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited March 2023
    On a wee break at work

    I prefer this one
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    No-one (or Noone) got a winning hand to show .... anyone got a song with tumbleweed in it?
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    But ur better listening to her fellas music
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    But ur better listening to her fellas music

    If i could ever put up Bob Dylans 'the times they are a changin', on the day the gambling commission handed over regulation to someone who had time to regulate it, i would be delighted ....
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Can anybody put up So F****** What by Anti Nowhere League, the lyrics say it all.
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