Absolutely, & it was so uplifting to see so many regular folks prepared to say "no to racism". This is the real Britain we know & love. One of the most uplifting nights of the year. All peaceful too, they never saw the need to lob bricks at the Police, set cars alight, loot shops, or attempt mass murder by trying to set light to a building occupied by over 100 people.
Absolutely, & it was so uplifting to see so many regular folks prepared to say "no to racism". This is the real Britain we know & love. One of the most uplifting nights of the year. All peaceful too, they never saw the need to lob bricks at the Police, set cars alight, loot shops, or attempt mass murder by trying to set light to a building occupied by over 100 people.
A great night.
The jail sentences handed down to the first lot that appeared in court must have also helped. As will the remanding in custody of some of the others.
Hope Not Hate admitting that last night's protests list was all a Hoax, and it was them who set it up for the government and MSM. So they were spreading misinformation, will they get arrested?
Labour Suspend Councillor Who Called to “Cut Throats” of “Fascists”
Labour have suspended the Labour Councillor, Ricky Jones, who was front and centre at a not-so-peaceful anti-racist protest in Walthamstow yesterday. The protest came in response to the mass ‘far-right’ riots predicted to happen last night, though never really materialised…
Jones launched into an unhinged tirade, branding the “disgusting nasty fascists” as deserving of violent retribution, declaring, “We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”. He finished his rant with chants of “free Palestine”. This call to arms was met with cheers and applause from the crowd—one of whom, ironically, was sporting an Amnesty shirt. Jones had been a Labour councillor for Dartford since 2019. He has now been administratively suspended from the Party.
It doesn't really matter to me, far left, far right, they're all s**ts. For example, I have no time for religious zealots at all, I think they're all deluded, but I wouldn't wish harm on them. I would just like them all to stop harming each other. Christ I sound like a hippy!
Labour Suspend Councillor Who Called to “Cut Throats” of “Fascists”
Labour have suspended the Labour Councillor, Ricky Jones, who was front and centre at a not-so-peaceful anti-racist protest in Walthamstow yesterday. The protest came in response to the mass ‘far-right’ riots predicted to happen last night, though never really materialised…
Jones launched into an unhinged tirade, branding the “disgusting nasty fascists” as deserving of violent retribution, declaring, “We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”. He finished his rant with chants of “free Palestine”. This call to arms was met with cheers and applause from the crowd—one of whom, ironically, was sporting an Amnesty shirt. Jones had been a Labour councillor for Dartford since 2019. He has now been administratively suspended from the Party.
Absolutely, & it was so uplifting to see so many regular folks prepared to say "no to racism". This is the real Britain we know & love. One of the most uplifting nights of the year. All peaceful too, they never saw the need to lob bricks at the Police, set cars alight, loot shops, or attempt mass murder by trying to set light to a building occupied by over 100 people.
A great night.
The jail sentences handed down to the first lot that appeared in court must have also helped. As will the remanding in custody of some of the others.
Imagine waking up in your cell knowing that you've got another 2/3 years of this to go, each and every day would be a case of 'What the **** have I done and was it really worth it' surely it would just **** you up every day. There's a difference of going to jail for something personal to you/your family or even trying to earn money and getting caught but to sit in a cell for 2/3 years for something so stupid and insignificant will make that 2/3 years seem like 10 years, whilst everyone else gets on with their lives and doesn't give your predicament a second thought, I bet they think it was all really worth it now!
Absolutely, & it was so uplifting to see so many regular folks prepared to say "no to racism". This is the real Britain we know & love. One of the most uplifting nights of the year. All peaceful too, they never saw the need to lob bricks at the Police, set cars alight, loot shops, or attempt mass murder by trying to set light to a building occupied by over 100 people.
A great night.
The jail sentences handed down to the first lot that appeared in court must have also helped. As will the remanding in custody of some of the others.
Imagine waking up in your cell knowing that you've got another 2/3 years of this to go, each and every day would be a case of 'What the **** have I done and was it really worth it' surely it would just **** you up every day. There's a difference of going to jail for something personal to you/your family or even trying to earn money and getting caught but to sit in a cell for 2/3 years for something so stupid and insignificant will make that 2/3 years seem like 10 years, whilst everyone else gets on with their lives and doesn't give your predicament a second thought, I bet they think it was all really worth it now!
Unimaginable. Although I am certain we will see some much bigger sentences very soon. They have a point to prove.
'You got a problem with us English, bro?': Hooligan punched and kicked black man during sickening attack amid disorder in Manchester city centre - as crowds cheered
Remanding him into custody, District Judge Joanne Hirst said: "This was shameful and frightening civil disorder in which a man was attacked by you due to his race."
Ley, of Hollywood Towers, will next appear at Manchester Crown Court on August 15.
Protest against something that the establishment says is wrong and you're hailed as heroes.
Protest against something you personally believe is wrong and you're a terrorist thug.
Intimidate or cause somebody from an ethnic background to be in fear and you're hunted down.
Be somebody from that background intimidating a reporter live on air and camera and your identity can't be confirmed.
Hide weapons in a mosque and claim they are to defend your faith, that's fine, carry on.
Hide weapons in your own home to defend yourself. Front doors through with an armed unit and you are a Domestic Terrorist.
Shout abuse through a loudhailer at anti immigration protestors and that's freedom of expression.
Chant abuse outside an immigration centre and that's a hate crime.
Fly a Palestinian/ Rainbow / Ukranian Flag and you are showing solidarity
Fly a St Georges / Union Flag and you are a racist stirring up trouble
I could put many more examples of the hypocrisy that will continue to grow more prevalent under Sir Fear Karma and the two tier regime.
I am not in favour of right wing ideology and the above is not designed to promote such thinking, it's designed to make ordinary people who value what little that society has left to offer, think and engage with.
Until everybody has a voice and that voice is given equal worth and presentation then those who feel disenfranchised will continue to act with aggression and without a thought for others.
Let me use a favourite of mine. There is the Association of Police Officers and yet there is The Association of Black Police Officers.
Why? Surely the former is the representative body for all. Are we saying therefore that The Association of White Police Officers is acceptable.
Somehow I doubt it, and yet we seem happy to allow the other divisionary title without question and anybody questioning it, like me, is accused of creating tension based on the grounds of colour when I think it's a perfectly valid question.
It doesn't really matter.
But it does show how ordinary people in the street are prepared to stick up for themselves and others if "push comes to shove".
Absolutely, & it was so uplifting to see so many regular folks prepared to say "no to racism". This is the real Britain we know & love. One of the most uplifting nights of the year. All peaceful too, they never saw the need to lob bricks at the Police, set cars alight, loot shops, or attempt mass murder by trying to set light to a building occupied by over 100 people.
A great night.
As will the remanding in custody of some of the others.
So they were spreading misinformation, will they get arrested?
Labour have suspended the Labour Councillor, Ricky Jones, who was front and centre at a not-so-peaceful anti-racist protest in Walthamstow yesterday. The protest came in response to the mass ‘far-right’ riots predicted to happen last night, though never really materialised…
Jones launched into an unhinged tirade, branding the “disgusting nasty fascists” as deserving of violent retribution, declaring, “We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”. He finished his rant with chants of “free Palestine”. This call to arms was met with cheers and applause from the crowd—one of whom, ironically, was sporting an Amnesty shirt. Jones had been a Labour councillor for Dartford since 2019. He has now been administratively suspended from the Party.
Although I am certain we will see some much bigger sentences very soon.
They have a point to prove.
Remanding him into custody, District Judge Joanne Hirst said: "This was shameful and frightening civil disorder in which a man was attacked by you due to his race."
Ley, of Hollywood Towers, will next appear at Manchester Crown Court on August 15.
Protest against something you personally believe is wrong and you're a terrorist thug.
Intimidate or cause somebody from an ethnic background to be in fear and you're hunted down.
Be somebody from that background intimidating a reporter live on air and camera and your identity can't be confirmed.
Hide weapons in a mosque and claim they are to defend your faith, that's fine, carry on.
Hide weapons in your own home to defend yourself. Front doors through with an armed unit and you are a Domestic Terrorist.
Shout abuse through a loudhailer at anti immigration protestors and that's freedom of expression.
Chant abuse outside an immigration centre and that's a hate crime.
Fly a Palestinian/ Rainbow / Ukranian Flag and you are showing solidarity
Fly a St Georges / Union Flag and you are a racist stirring up trouble
I could put many more examples of the hypocrisy that will continue to grow more prevalent under Sir Fear Karma and the two tier regime.
I am not in favour of right wing ideology and the above is not designed to promote such thinking, it's designed to make ordinary people who value what little that society has left to offer, think and engage with.
Until everybody has a voice and that voice is given equal worth and presentation then those who feel disenfranchised will continue to act with aggression and without a thought for others.
Let me use a favourite of mine. There is the Association of Police Officers and yet there is The Association of Black Police Officers.
Why? Surely the former is the representative body for all. Are we saying therefore that The Association of White Police Officers is acceptable.
Somehow I doubt it, and yet we seem happy to allow the other divisionary title without question and anybody questioning it, like me, is accused of creating tension based on the grounds of colour when I think it's a perfectly valid question.