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When ? Does playing the best Poker, ever 'pay off' ?



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    Maybe? My Skypoker Obituary?

    All I will say, is this, 95% plus, of all I have posted over the last year, this thread, and ‘my’ two previous threads, within this section of the Poker forum,95% plus, of everything, was with a cheeky grin, a part of my tongue in my cheek, trying in part, to be the Skypoker Pantomime forum villain. 0.25% (twice) the wrong side of a few bottles of Sauvignon Blanc, and 4% of the time, I was being, fully on point, fully dead serious.

    Hence, this is one of those times; I have my poker serious ‘head on’

    Please (I know it is a stretch) but for the purposes, of this debate, try, to imagine, this is not me? Why, try to imagine, a ‘brand new, mad keen Poker player, joined Skypoker,last Saturday,irrelevant,of age,sex or creed,but,a poker player,who,was joining, his her first ever online Poker site, ( for the purposes of the argument, said imaginable person, divulged all and everything,from,Super System, to crushing the micro stakes, played a lot of live, and,’ really really rated their Poker game.(explanation next post)

    All Poker players, apparently? Rate themselves, better than they are? hard to define that, I will use a Mike Sexton analogy, take 24 Poker players, either, the best 24 players on the planet, or the worst 24 players on the planet, let those pools of players, play each other, over one year, three deep staked MTTs a week, over a year, that is 156 MTTs played over a year, in each pool of players, the best will come to the fore.

    To keep this, on Poker point, here is a free Gratis idea, you, the Poker forum, can have on me, I think, it is a rather good idea, why ?, because, what would motivate me, personally,( as, I believe, as we all do, that I am a class no limit player, ego thing) and what real way to prove that ?

    For all and everyone, every player, use Mike Sextons analogy, why so ?certainly, if I knew, I would play, three specific, dedicated MTTs a week, totalling 156 MTTs over a year, that way, all beats, run good, run bad,varience,evens out, so, for now, or the future, you can have that one on me,free,I think the concept is good, buy ins could be set, for all bankrolls,i.e, £5.50 £22.00 etc., up to whatever is sustainable, three Mtts a week, a baker’s dozen a month, totalling 156 over a calendar year,then,every ego could land (including mine !) I will leave that, to the great and the good, of Skypoker, easy for the Poker brain geniuses, to think of structure, bonus prizes, (weekly or monthly)
    The underlying point, I am trying (badly) to articulate, is, for example, if the above hypothetical happened, I would move (personally) **** and high water, to make sure I played, every one of those MTTs,Maybe, you geniuses,disagree ?

    Simply a non-plagiarised idea? conceptually, it would motivate me, to play World Class Poker,three times a week, a baker’s dozen times a month,156 times over a year, so that, the Poker results do the talking, and either, ego’s get badly bruised ! Or inflated to the limit. And I would have a large punt, at heavy odds on, nearly all players, here, would do the same.

    That’s my gratis idea, over to you (generic term) skypoker,do I win, a decent MTT seat (tongue in cheek) but I ought to, I out to win a major seat, and a Poker purple heart medal, explain why in a bit.

    I still love, the old; I’ll flip you for it anecdote.
    Only a few, reading this, will be aware of it, instently.
    C.E.O of Mirage resorts, Bobby Baldwin, he should know the truth,
    The story about the Texan? "True," Baldwin said. Packer was at one table and the Texan, playing one table over, wanted some bigger action. Packer turned him down.

    "The other guy said, 'I'm a big player too. I'm worth a hundred million.' "Kerry said, 'If you really want to gamble, I'll flip you for it (the $US100 million).' “The Texan quietly went back to his game.

    When I lived in Perth for two years, I spent every weekend, here,
    Crown Perth (formerly Burswood Island Casino, which I always thought, was Kerry Packers (James Packers) but only from 2004? )
    I’ll flip you for it! $US100 million!
    I will make the point,of my opening paragragh,in the next post.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355

    What would you say,hypothetically,to a brand new player, who experienced this, in their first week of playing?
    For context, and starters, obviously, I am talking about myself,my hands, but what if I was a brand new player?
    And, for clarification, I am not (never) a multi table, volume player.

    All of the following, is just, last Sunday, a few hands in the week,,then this last weekend, up until today.
    Poker, just 52 cards, fundamentally based on probability, ‘it’s simply Math’s’ !

    Full of Poker confidence,(as a ‘new player’) play all day Saturday, no highlights, no low lights, just trying to play good Poker.
    Eventually,late Saturday evening, three hours deep, in an MTT, I am looking at this scenario,for a ‘huge stack,and ‘cash’.
    hand number 1369548784 22.07 p.m. 16th March.
    22k pot, my all in, snapped off, by the 6% chance.
    Me all in, 22k pot, snapped off, 94% fav, rivered. who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    18th March 23.08 p.m. hand number 1370155083, this time, I call ‘the shove’ on the turn, call off the shove in front (with air) and I call it off with a full house,as 91% favorite,rivered again,this was brilliant,the board quad’s !
    who played the best Poker ? Who got paid off?

    16th March 14.51 pm Bounty Hunter hand number 1369061953 I raise, get shoved on ,all in, I call that off, for a bounty and 3k, 94 % favorite,rivered again,
    who played the best Poker ? Who got paid off?

    17th March Bounty Hunter 08.36 a.m. hand number 1369639825 pocket AK suited hearts, raise it pre, raise it post, the flop came Ks Jh 6c, my hand, pocket AK suited, top pair top kicker, raise reraise all in, all in, I got outplayed!, as my flopped top pair KK with an A kicker, ran straight into two flopped pair, irrataing, but ‘just Poker’
    I take my medicine.
    what made me laugh though, was the very next hand! 08.37 a.m. hand number 1369639956, all in all in, guess who was favourite?
    As in,73% favorite, and guess who got rivered, again!
    Who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    17th March 10.50 a.m. two hours deep MTT hand number 1369654699 12k pot, this time I call the all in shove in front of me, a 12k pot, I call it off, not even a pocket pair, me JJ ,another huge pot, another correct decision, huge hand as favourite turned over ! Who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    18th March 21.46 p.m. another 10k plus pot MTT deep stack, hours deep, another all in in front of me, yet again I call it off with my pocket KK,the all in shove with a draw on the flop, the call, the all in by me,(pocket KK) guess who is favourite. Hand number 1370121929, with my pocket KK.
    who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    21st March hand number 1370770693 30,000
    (30k chip pot)
    Now please pause, and I ask you from the bottom of my Poker Heart,

    (a) many ways to miss play AA, who had pocket AA ?
    (b) Guess who got it all in pre (30k pot)
    (c) that was called off, by ….. pocket 8 7 !, the AA mine, all the money, in pre,
    (d) if anyone even try’s to suggest, I did not play those AA optimally, I will have a fit !

    All the action pre, I am in the small blind, pocket 87 raises, (Poker Heaven) I move it all in, monumental favourite, not a prayer, not a chance. who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?....

    25th March 02.13 a.m ,trying,failing,to play my poker brains out,in a £5.50 bounty hunter hand number 1371924058 , three way all in,that’s a three way,all in, pre, who do you think ? had the only pocket pair ? correct (me) against, suited pocket cards, ,all action pre,who do you think,was 54% favorite on the flop,v 21%,25%,who do you think,got through,best hand,after the flop,best had after the turn,as a huge favorite ? who do you think,got rivered, who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    26th March 16.33 p.m hand number 1372279557 (6K summit,qualy) trying,failing,to play my poker brains out ,to try ? to mix it up,with ‘the big boys and girls,’those players who I am informed, playing ‘class poker,brings them to the fore’
    Played tighter than tight,folded huge hands, folded huge draws.
    Best hand pre,best hand post,called off the All In shove,of pocket K J off suit, with my pocket 10 10 , and of course, not a chance of that holding up, even as a 73% favorite.who played the best Poker? Who got paid off?

    Every single hand, I will post tomorrow,in the above full specific order.

    All the above, is factual, as I will post, and prove.

    How ? ( Poker ‘simply Math’s)
    if that argument,from the leader,is the one and the same used,against, ‘the skeptic’s) Am I supposed ? , not to be sceptical ? using the same argument ?

    God Bless

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,741
    You still seem to be missing a fundamental point of poker.


    Honestly you seem incapable of understanding that very important point. You could play the best poker on the planet for years and still be a losing player (unlikely but it's possible).

    I don't really know what you want to hear. Have you got it in miles ahead and been unlucky?. Have you been absolutely shafted by the poker Gods? Has the deceitful mistress of varience done you wrong?

    YES of course, but it happens to us all. It's part of the game and if a newcomer had studied all the super system (20 years out of date imo) theory etc they'd already know that and would be prepared for it.

    Remember this. If an absolute novice was sitting with one of the top players in the world and just decided to go all in every time they were unsure about how to play the hand the novice would win more than you think. Yes very quickly the top player would adjust and wait until the time was right but even then the novice might just luck into a monster.

    I actually expect to get outdrawn when I get it in ahead, trust me it's a much better way of taking the beat and means I don't pay attention to the %.

    The only factor to remember is this if you always get it in ahead, YOU WILL eventually become a winning player.

    Also you have there 9 examples over 10 days. I'm sure there's many a player on Sky who could give you 9 examples over 10 hours. How many times over those 10 days have you been in a pot you shouldn't really be and turned trips or a straight or a flush and how about the flips you won and the coolers you out on other players or the times you rivered someone who was way ahead.

    I know it's hard when you think that you're playing the "best poker" and getting owned but seriously if it's getting to you that much I'd consider either not playing for money or maybe taking a complete break.

    Yours in poker

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    And I would just like to, try to articulate, reiterate, (what I have always meant to refer to) only ever ‘key’ hands, obviously relevant to the tourney situation. Every hand,pot,a losing one, for me.A good while back, many many months, a suggestion came my way, with regard to beats and suck outs, if I ‘could not handle’ beats and suck outs,I would not still be here (only poker site still registered on) attempting to play Poker,if I ‘could not handle beats and suck outs’but,some,as evidenced below,are extreme.

    For reference, I ‘fold’ huge hands, huge draws all the time,further,I have never ever moaned, in huge hands, pots showdowns, when I have either been outplayed, or got it in bad, or called it off bad,and,with in the same time and date period,below,been in multiple situations, pocket QQ into pocket AA twice massive pot(s) 40k plus for monumental chip lead,or,final table four handed, pocket AA JJ 55 and carnage ! etc,and again, today (Wednesday) my AA cracked twice, naturally as monumental favorite,inc a 100k final table pot !

    1369548784 22.07 p.m. 16th March.22k pot 94% favourite rivered DEEP STACK
    1370155083 23.08 p.m. 18th March. 6k pot 91% favourite rivered REBUY 1369061953 14.51 pm. 16TH March 3k pot 94% favourite rivered BH (& bounty!) 1369639825 08.37 a.m. 17th March 4k pot AK suited KK A kicker! two pair BH 1369639956 08.37 a.m. 17th March (very next hand) rivered 73% favourite BH 1370121929 21.46 p.m. 18th March 10k pot call all in(my KK)72% favourite rebuy
    1369654699 10.50 a.m. 17th March 10k pot call all in (my JJ)65% favourite rebuy 1371998114 15.52 p.m. 25th March 8k pot, all action,pre turn & river,3way,rebuy rebuy 8k pot 57% fav pre,77% post, rivered again.

    1370770693 12.37 p.m. 21st March (pocket)AA 80% favorite, 30k pot,snapped off.

    1372473764 This felt, too brutal,final table,four players left 27th March 14.13 p.m today,my AA cracked twice,inc for 102,000 pot my pocket AA cracked,by pocket QQ (on the turn) marvellous.
    1372466981 And my AA,same tourney 45 minutes earlier,cracked on the turn,all action pre,83% favorite,no chance for a 5k pot

    This,was in less than three minutes,in a £5.50 bounty hunter,( 3 minutes,not 30 !) pocket AA dealt three times,pocket QQ dealt twice,pocket KK dealt once, resulting in,KK into AA ,KK cracks AA,hand number 1369304276 and QQ into AA etc etc, hand number 1369304859 (I run so good !)

    For clarification,1369304859 my QQ into AA & 1369304276 my QQ into AA again.
    1372270601 outplayed 15.46 p.m 26th March my pocket QQ runs into AA ! 43k ! my choice to call it off,as ‘we were both a mile clear’ that was for the Jewels !
    1372008478 outplayed 16.41 p.m. 25th March pocket KQ flopped KK QQ and straight into a flopped flush (9k pot, two hours deep)
    1372217928 ‘outplayed!’ 09.47 a.m. final table Bounty Hunter, four players left, the deal pocket AA pocket JJ pocket 55 ,price the maths on that deal! 60k.

    I am not going to moan any more,or even 'mean to moan', I review my poker hands,look at how I played a (key hand) ! and usually wince..not at 'my play' at the outcome
    best of luck.
  • Scottex99Scottex99 Member Posts: 5
    Yo, first post.
    Beats are a strange thing. As others have mentioned, you need to look back at each hand and think did you play it correctly? Did you get unlucky? Or did you make a mistake somewhere? All you can really do is get the majority of your chips in ahead and hope to run good. It's not a 100% skill game.

    Last night I there was 8 left in a 5.50 bounty MTT. I'd played well all tourney, collected a few bounties. In short succession I had 2 PF All ins, My AK cracked by AQ on river, then my KK cracked by JJ when he spiked on the flop. I'd lost 2 chances to be big chip leader on final table, plus the bounties that were of a decent value. I tilted a little bit but then made it to final table with a dominant chip stack, only to then bust out 4th or 5th due to my own bad play.

    For those 2 beats, I don't even consider them bad beats. Both times my opponent had genuine reason to think they were ahead and I got unlucky. Replay the hands 100 times and I'll always be in profit, so no big deal. Beats to me are when players play a hand so badly then still win against ridiculous odds.

    Also as alredy mentioned, if you slowplay and try to get tricky in and then get caught up, that's not a beat, that's bad play by you.

    My 2p.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 172,247
    Scottex99 said:

    Yo, first post.
    Beats are a strange thing. As others have mentioned, you need to look back at each hand and think did you play it correctly? Did you get unlucky? Or did you make a mistake somewhere? All you can really do is get the majority of your chips in ahead and hope to run good. It's not a 100% skill game.

    Last night I there was 8 left in a 5.50 bounty MTT. I'd played well all tourney, collected a few bounties. In short succession I had 2 PF All ins, My AK cracked by AQ on river, then my KK cracked by JJ when he spiked on the flop. I'd lost 2 chances to be big chip leader on final table, plus the bounties that were of a decent value. I tilted a little bit but then made it to final table with a dominant chip stack, only to then bust out 4th or 5th due to my own bad play.

    For those 2 beats, I don't even consider them bad beats. Both times my opponent had genuine reason to think they were ahead and I got unlucky. Replay the hands 100 times and I'll always be in profit, so no big deal. Beats to me are when players play a hand so badly then still win against ridiculous odds.

    Also as alredy mentioned, if you slowplay and try to get tricky in and then get caught up, that's not a beat, that's bad play by you.

    My 2p.




    Welcome to the Forum Scott, & what a great debut post. Hope you stick around.

    In particular, the part I have emboldened is so, so true. Especially the last 4 words.

    " no big deal...."

    That's THE perfect way to deal with these situations.

    As we have advised the OP again & again, these things will happen to all of us, every night.

    Getting all out of shape because we think (wrongly) we are more unlucky than anyone else serves absolutely no purpose, in fact it has a negative effect on our game & our results & our enjoyment.
  • Scottex99Scottex99 Member Posts: 5
    Also "price the math on 3 PPs in one hand". Come on, that's a nonsense attitude.

    I just saw a video last night of a live tourney. QT vs QJ vs 66. Flop Q6Q. 3 All ins, Turn T, River J. OMG, what are the odds. Anything can happen and will.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 172,247
    edited March 2019
    Scottex99 said:

    Also "price the math on 3 PPs in one hand". Come on, that's a nonsense attitude.

    I just saw a video last night of a live tourney. QT vs QJ vs 66. Flop Q6Q. 3 All ins, Turn T, River J. OMG, what are the odds. Anything can happen and will.

    Every day, everywhere. Photo taken from OPPOSITE the Dealer, so that was some flop & turn.

    It cost the losing player, who is a regular on this Forum, about £3,000. He just shrugged his shoulders & moved on.

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Am sure it has been said before but posting hand ids is meaningless as no one can access those hands. If by posting the hands in the way you do helps you vent then fine but talking about a 30k pot where no one knows the action or the blind levels is pretty meaningless.

    You have posted hands here and people have tried to give advice but you say " usually wince..not at 'my play' at the outcome" so I can't see people giving you advice because you don't seem to want to listen.

    In lots of situations we can play hands a bit better, make different bet sizes etc but in your head you are convinced you are playing the best poker.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,746
    Ignore the naysayers misterpj. You're clearly an outstanding player as evidenced by how often you get your money in good and your comprehensive knowledge of probabilities. It's nothing but a bad run of luck so just keep plugging away as you are.

    @MattBates is one of the worst culprits. He's always popping up in threads trying to offer others his so-called 'advice'. I've played against Matt many times now. He never limps-in from early position or min-donks multi-way flops and, as any great player knows, these are vital parts of a solid winning strategy. I'm gonna go look him up on Sharkscope now. I bet his graph is a right old train-wreck...
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,741

    Ignore the naysayers misterpj. You're clearly an outstanding player as evidenced by how often you get your money in good and your comprehensive knowledge of probabilities. It's nothing but a bad run of luck so just keep plugging away as you are.

    @MattBates is one of the worst culprits. He's always popping up in threads trying to offer others his so-called 'advice'. I've played against Matt many times now. He never limps-in from early position or min-donks multi-way flops and, as any great player knows, these are vital parts of a solid winning strategy. I'm gonna go look him up on Sharkscope now. I bet his graph is a right old train-wreck...

    LMAO stop it my sides are hurting. Been laughing at this for an hour or more. Oh heck I think I've wet myself.

    Candidate for post of the week.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.

    If it helps? Simply? three questions.
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    TEDDYWOMBASmall blind300.00300.0040845.00
    misterpjBig blind600.00900.009198.13
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • J
    • J
    • 3
    • 6
    • 7
    • Q
    • J
    • J
    • 10
    • 10
    Headman555WinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 10s21996.2631903.13
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    misterpjSmall blind2000.002000.0064305.00
    onepara26Big blind4000.006000.00129695.00
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    • J
    • Q
    • K
    • Q
    • K
    • 6
    • 4
    • 10
    • 4
    onepara26WinFlush to the King132610.00200000.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    tybzSmall blind20.0020.005040.00
    _radar_Big blind40.0060.004995.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    • 8
    • J
    • 6
    misterpjUnmatched bet5.0010230.005.00
    • Q
    • A
    • K
    • K
    • 4
    • 2
    _radar_WinFlush to the Queen10230.0010230.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    misterpjSmall blind300.00300.007955.00
    Trojan1904Big blind600.00900.006830.00
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    • J
    • J
    • J
    • A
    • Q
    • K
    • A
    • 3
    • 3
    JudeletWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 3s11870.0011870.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    misterpjSmall blind800.00800.0013545.00
    red_cedarBig blind1600.002400.001550.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    • A
    • A
    • 7
    • 8
    • Q
    • J
    • 2
    • 9
    • 9
    xzkute69WinFlush to the Jack30290.0044375.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    misterpjSmall blind500.00500.0040744.50
    stevie2306Big blind1000.001500.0012540.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • 3
    • 6
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • K
    • K
    • 7
    scorpio006WinTwo Pairs, Kings and Jacks9180.009180.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    wood45Small blind40.0040.001920.00
    KimlyBig blind80.00120.003080.00
    Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 6
    • 6
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 10
    • 6
    • K
    • 4
    • 2
    DapigWinFour 2s6560.006560.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?
    Kireland1Small blind100.00100.001257.50
    ormesbyBig blind200.00300.002997.50
    Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    • 5
    • 8
    • 7
    • 7
    • 3
    • 10
    • 10
    • 4
    • 8
    Kireland1WinTwo Pairs, 10s and 8s2915.002915.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,355
    As eloquently, articulately, and in full graphic colour, (full hand details posted below, one by one) as I can put it.
    If it helps? Simply?
    Who played quality Poker, who didn’t? Who got paid off?

    this one,is extra extra funny (only I'm not the one laughing)
    RRROBERTSmall blind1000.001000.0053385.25
    misterpjBig blind2000.003000.0048494.50
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    • 10
    • 3
    • K
    • Q
    raystoreyUnmatched bet634.25101989.00634.25
    • A
    • A
    • Q
    • Q
    • 6
    raystoreyWinThree Queens101989.00102623.25
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