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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • SkiItalySkiItaly Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2012

    Hi Paul

    Thanks for the post and putting some perspective to life in general.  The important stuff and the noise that we sometimes think is important. Good luck to you and yours and I hope things turn out well. Kids have an amazing way of surprising you and however things develope with your son you are going to feel like the luckiest dad in the world as you see him grow.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    It's nice to see so many people pitching in with their stories on this thread and so think I should put mine in, having never mentioned it to anyone on Sky. Emma, my partner, had a daughter (Lily) not long before meeting me. She had a very troubled pregnancy and birth, with lots of details I won't go into but when she was born Emma was told there was only a 50% chance Lily would live. She did make it through, and has had many hurdles to overcome along the way. She is still a late-developer in many regards. She has hyper flexible joints and very low muscle tone which meant she was not able to stand un-aided until she was over 3 years old, she can now walk but only with the aid of ankle splints which she will have for the forseeable future. Her speech has always been behind but she is slowly getting there. Since about the age of 6 months, she has had regularly speech therapy, physiotherapy, hospital assessments. In her latest assessment, they discovered a heart murmur which they believe to be a fault in the valve in the left side of her heart which could increase her risk of heart infections and heart failure, we do have an appointment for a scan where they will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis. One concern we had was whether she would go to 'mainstream' school or not, but we have recently been told she does have a place in our local school and will be starting in September.  They are in the process of trying to obtain funding as she has always had one-to-one care during pre-school and would really require it in the early stages of school. So there's our story.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Really apprreciate the post man.Hope everythin turns out well for your young un at school.Sounds like you've had a tough time.Again,the number of folk here tellin their story makes my original post all the more worthwhile.My weeman starts his speech therapy on tuesday so its exciting and nervousness at the same time.Hope all goes good for you.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,334
    edited June 2012

    This thread just gets better & better.

    Note that everyone on it, despite everything, seems bright & optimistic, in the face, quite often, of severe adversity.
    I really struggle to comprehend folks who struggle to accept bad beats in poker, it's not helpful to them to be so negative, & it does not help their game one bit. I SO want to help them understand, & get things in perspective. It is simply not possible to have enough money to play poker, then say "I am unlucky".

    "In life, as in poker" was never more true. Poker shows our true character.

    Much respect to every single person who has posted.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited June 2012
    I've just caught up again with this thread and to be honest I'm a bit shocked that so many of you have children with illnesses, but I'm full of admiration for the way you all seem to be dealing with it. I've been lucky to have 2 kids and 5 grandkids who are all fit and healthy so I wish all your kids a full and happy life.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited June 2012
    Hi all.

    Not sure how this will come out but here goes.  I also have Aspegers Syndrome.  It's a part of me and always will be.  I know my strengths and my weaknesses.  Numbers strength, words weakness.  I started playing poker again about a year ago after my last girlfriend died suddenly.  It hit me hard as my first wife died 10 years ago.  If it wasn't for my 2 amazing girls and poker I don't know if I would have survived in one piece mentally or physicaly.  I'm now having to cut right down on the poker due to my physical health starting to go down again, SPT Blackpool will mark me going one day a week.  If you see me around then come and say hi and I can bore you all about it lol.

    The point of this ramble?  Not too sure, just ignore the ignorant people who couldn't cope with being in your shoes and enjoy life.  If someone does give you a beat in poker, just smile.  You know you will be giving them a bigger one sooner or later.

    Take care all and run well
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Hi all. Not sure how this will come out but here goes.  I also have Aspegers Syndrome.  It's a part of me and always will be.  I know my strengths and my weaknesses.  Numbers strength, words weakness.  I started playing poker again about a year ago after my last girlfriend died suddenly.  It hit me hard as my first wife died 10 years ago.  If it wasn't for my 2 amazing girls and poker I don't know if I would have survived in one piece mentally or physicaly.  I'm now having to cut right down on the poker due to my physical health starting to go down again, SPT Blackpool will mark me going one day a week.  If you see me around then come and say hi and I can bore you all about it lol. The point of this ramble?  Not too sure, just ignore the ignorant people who couldn't cope with being in your shoes and enjoy life.  If someone does give you a beat in poker, just smile.  You know you will be giving them a bigger one sooner or later. Take care all and run well
    Posted by cenachav
    As with all those who have posted all I can say is appreciate you takin time to contribute.From what was a starting point with no great expectation with regards to responses,this has snowballed into a thread that everyone who takes a bad beat with no great dignity should read.Like I said in the openin post,I  would have felt sorry for myself after losin a few quid.But with the weemans (possible) issues,it took that to make me see the value in what we have outside of the game.Poker can be a wonderful distraction to what the real world dishes up and that should be all it is,a bit of a distraction.Its beyond words what you cenachav have had to deal with and I hope your future can only bring you happyness.Be good and enjoy your poker.

  • smarrsmarr Member Posts: 461
    edited June 2012
    read this entire post there, i haven't any personal experiences myself. But I never would of even thought about the possibility of others round the table going through this.

    You just never think about it when your lashing out. I for one apologise to anyone i have had a go at in the past. Will definately make me reconsider in future.

    Hope all works out as best it can for everyone who has posted they're stories in here!

    Run Good!

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    I believe it's about being glass half full/empty?

    When you come up against adversity (bad beats) some people moan and cry abuot it, and some people just get on with it, accept it's a part of the game/life and move on.

    Moaning about bad beats will never stop them happening

    I think it's really sad you've come along and put a sour note on such a positive thread.
  • BURNShurtzBURNShurtz Member Posts: 1,005
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    I believe it's about being glass half full/empty? When you come up against adversity (bad beats) some people moan and cry abuot it, and some people just get on with it, accept it's a part of the game/life and move on. Moaning about bad beats will never stop them happening I think it's really sad you've come along and put a sour note on such a positive thread.
    Posted by Lambert180
    excuss me but i just asked what tikay ment,  i dont see what was wrong with what i asked?
  • Moon_RiverMoon_River Member Posts: 176
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : in what way do you mean? i moan all the time about losing hands, bad beats and so on. it gives me something extra to do, so what character am i Tikay??  does this make me weak in life? some waster with nothing else to do? im not going to write my problems on this page for other people to read, this is bignoise10's thread.  maybe ive misunderstood what your saying, but to me it seems that your saying if you moan about poker, you must be abit of a loser when it comes to life.  
    Posted by BURNShurtz
    I wonder how much pleasure it gave you to put such a disharmonious post on what has been a very harmonious thread? I don't think you need to ask Tikay at all...ask yourself "what character am I?"
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    Well folks tomorrow is goin to be the 1st day of the weemans speech therapy. This will be the start of a process to determine his "uniqueness" as I like to put it. Hate the word different etc. Since the start of this thread many stories have been shared among us about our "unique" kids and families, with the day to day trials we are facing. Quite a lot of your stories describe major issues that are suc a lot more serious than my situation and its been heartwarming that so many of you contributed even though you deal with massive issues yourselves. I hope to keep going with this thread over the next while and chart the weemans progress.I'm aware this isnt really a poker isssue as such now,but since I started this with regards to dealing with bad beats etc and others have asked to be kept updated(much appreciated btw), I would like to continue with this.Many thx for takin time to read this and hopefully we'll meet at the tables soon.Cheers .
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,334
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Well folks tomorrow is goin to be the 1st day of the weemans speech therapy. This will be the start of a process to determine his "uniqueness" as I like to put it. Hate the word different etc. Since the start of this thread many stories have been shared among us about our "unique" kids and families, with the day to day trials we are facing. Quite a lot of your stories describe major issues that are suc a lot more serious than my situation and its been heartwarming that so many of you contributed even though you deal with massive issues yourselves. I hope to keep going with this thread over the next while and chart the weemans progress.I'm aware this isnt really a poker isssue as such now,but since I started this with regards to dealing with bad beats etc and others have asked to be kept updated(much appreciated btw), I would like to continue with this.Many thx for takin time to read this and hopefully we'll meet at the tables soon.Cheers . Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Good luck with that speech therapy day on Tuesday Paul.

    Let us know how it goes, please.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Well folks tomorrow is goin to be the 1st day of the weemans speech therapy. This will be the start of a process to determine his "uniqueness" as I like to put it. Hate the word different etc. Since the start of this thread many stories have been shared among us about our "unique" kids and families, with the day to day trials we are facing. Quite a lot of your stories describe major issues that are suc a lot more serious than my situation and its been heartwarming that so many of you contributed even though you deal with massive issues yourselves. I hope to keep going with this thread over the next while and chart the weemans progress.I'm aware this isnt really a poker isssue as such now,but since I started this with regards to dealing with bad beats etc and others have asked to be kept updated(much appreciated btw), I would like to continue with this.Many thx for takin time to read this and hopefully we'll meet at the tables soon.Cheers . Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Hope it all goes well.  Love to see you on the table sometime and if you find yourself at SPT Blackpool come and find me and we will have a pint together.  I'll be the bloke withe the .  Take care and see you very soon
  • lisar83lisar83 Member Posts: 426
    edited June 2012
    Good luck to ur wee man today!! Hope it all goes well.  My wee man also has a big appointment this Thursday, the first meeting with all the new professionals who will be working with him in his new school!!

    Good luck to our amazing wee boys :D
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2012
    Good Luck Today Paul!!
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2012
    hope everything went well. take care and have fun!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    Hi folks,yesterday was the weemans 1st speech therapy session and all went well.Loaded up with appointments over the next month or so,so my time will be mainlydevoted to new exercises helping the weeman along.On a side note,played a few hu matches and ended up 4 quid(yay!). Strangely since the thread was started I have actually had a wee bit of an upturn in results.Since then I havent got too down about bad beats etc and started to chase my losses.I've just settled back down and got on with it,which has paid dividends of sort.Think I was on about £80 when I started this, now up to about £180.Better than nowt aint it?I'm not so naive as to think its goin to be great from now on but a change in attitude has deffo made a difference to me as a person as well as a player.Hope things go well for those who've posted their own personal stories and to those who,ve added messages of goodwill.Thanks for reading.
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited June 2012
    Great News on all fronts.  
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited June 2012

    Good to hear Paul! 

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited June 2012

    I haven't got any stories but wanted to wish you and the weeman all the best. I absolutely love your thread. It gets boring and in fact annoying hearing the standard moaning post...I got it in with xx and was called by yy followed by a massive rant and moan. I always think if that is all you have to worry about then life for you must be pretty good! There had been quite a few threads that were getting a bit heated and your thread seems to have made some people think a bit more about what they say/do.

    Good luck on the tables.

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