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The Edges £100 to £1000 challenge.



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,491
    edited December 2019
    Happy New Year

    We played on the same table the other night.
    I think your results will get better if you stop limping so much. It was costing you too many chips
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,066
    All the best Mark. Happy New Year. I look forward to your stories, if they are anything like your last one then we are in for a treat.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    edited January 2020
    Hi all and I hope you're doing well.

    The challenge has started really slowly thanks to a couple of bubble bursts and a min cash in the deepstacks but I'm managing to break even in dyms so its not all bad.

    Got to start just being an annoying nit on the bubble and folding the A K suited etc when a big stack min raises with air. However it's all fun at the moment and so its onwards and upwards and all that tosh.

    As promised a story from the archives and for this one we are back at Staffs Uni (Stafford Site).

    So picture the scene; It's a balmy September evening and as we have a "Fresher" intake we've got the search tables in full rotation ( nothing like laying down a marker to the little darlings ).

    Im stood just outside the front door watching and noting, firstly so I can call out, over the covert comms, people I want searching, but also to see who turns away when news of the searches spreads down the line.

    After about an hour a male becomes the focus of my attention and I make sure the search team give him a pull. As they do I swear his legs began to tremble and shake so violently I honestly thought the poor lad was going to keel over.

    Sensing that this was going to be spectacular I spoke very quietly to the lad and asked him quite openly if there was anything he'd like to mention to us prior to the search and that if he preferred we could go into a side room where he could invite a witness and we could have a "chat" in private.

    He intimated that he would like that and so myself, the venue manager, the lad in question and his mate went into a private room. He immediately produced a large quantity of weed approx 1 ounce and some powder 20 wraps, from his clothing and told us that he'd been asked by his girlfriend who was a 2nd year to bring it into the venue for her.

    After consideration we (that's the venue manager and myself as Head Door) decided to try and save the lads academic future which was barely a week old and informed him that if he gave it up voluntarily rather than it being found in a search we would exercise discretion by confiscating it, then logging, bagging and tagging it for the police to destroy and that he would be banned until after the Christmas recess.
    The other alternative was we performed the search then when it failed due to the amount involved we would call the police and he would almost certainly be charged with possession with intent to supply and he would be out of Uni within a month.Incredibly he was actually thinking about his girlfriend so it was time to ramp up the pressure. He was unaware that by taking a drug onto a licensed venue the class of the drug is bumped up. So the weed becomes a class B and the powder if it wasn't already would certainly become a class A.

    This tipped the balance and he gave it up immediately, we spent about half an hour doing the paperwork and protocols and escorted him out of the venue. at this point he was emotionally all over the place realising that a) we had done him a solid and b) said girlfriend was going to be decidedly unhappy. In an aside I remarked to the V.M. that I wouldn't mind meeting the girlfriend and wondered as to who it was because for all his fear laddo had remained staunch and didn't give her up.

    Now dear reader as it goes this isn't much of a story apart from showing my softer side, however, all too soon I was to meet said girlfriend and it got plenty weird and right quick at that.

    Less than 15 minutes later and in full view of about 60 people still waiting to gain admission this young lady cuts past the queue stands in front of me and begins a verbal blast for the ages accusing me of theft and demanding her property back immediately.

    Now to be honest it took me some short while to actually realise that this lady was on about the confiscated drugs and to say I was speechless would be an understatement.
    When I eventually managed to calm her enough to speak to her and inform her that the drugs had been seized and were now securely stored and would be handed to the authorities for disposal she went ballistic on me slapping, kicking and spitting and screaming for the police.

    I told her that I was within my right to take the items and that I had acted within both the law and my powers as a Doorman and that strict protocols had been adhered to and that we considered we were doing both her and her boyfriend a huge favour by the course our actions took, but she wasn't having any of it and after some 10 minutes of threats and accusations she actually phoned the police to report myself and the venue manager.

    Needless to say the law arrived within about 5 minutes of the call and she was still screaming at me on the door when they arrived.

    She then turned to the 2 officers and said

    "This man has stolen my drugs. They are mine and he had no right to take them off my boyfriend and my boyfriend had no right to give my property away. Either make him return the drugs or arrest him for theft".

    It still remains without doubt the most amazing line I have ever heard on a door and judging by the absolute incredulity on the coppers face he probably felt the same.

    Sufficed to say all our efforts to keep all parties from severe trouble were now up in smoke. The police took all the evidence including the CCTV from the private room, the drugs and the statements of about 40 students who had witnessed the whole meltdown of the lady in question.

    We didnt have to go to court as she pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply he pleaded guilty to possession with intent and both lost their Uni places and she lost her liberty for 9 months.

    I got a slap on the wrist from both my boss and the Old Bill as due to the amounts involved I should have involved the Police from the start, but the Venue Manager was a real rock and took much of the heat for me. Thanks buddy.

    Probably the craziest piece of madness at that particular venue.

    Only in clubland eh!

    Til next time, rungood, have fun, love each other and smash it.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575

    That's nothing short of extraordinary.

    Was her judgement perhaps impaired by drug use?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    I'm really not sure but I would like to think that the average Uni student would be capable of slightly more rational thinking than was displayed by this particular lady.

    I would also like to think that this can be used to show how one bad choice or decision can have a radical effect on the way that peoples lives can be changed for the worst. These young people possibly had a great future ahead of them and yet in less than an hour of madness it all turned to trash.

    What really hurt on a personal level was the fact that both myself and the venue manager tried to avoid such a scenario only to pretty much have it thrown back in our faces. I felt no sense of satisfaction at the outcome, just an overwhelming feeling of futility.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575

    I read quite a lot of books about the shadier side of life, gangsters, underworld & so forth, & a lot of them seem to involve, or make reference to, guys who run "Doors".

    Most famous guy I knew of running Doors was the late Lenny McLean. Not a man to mess with, & always happy to have a "straightener". Very likeable (from a safe distance) though.

    Less pleasant by some was was Bernard O'Mahoney, who was involved in the tragic Lehna (sp?) death in Essex. He was also close to the folks in the infamous Essex Range Rover deaths, when Tony Tucker, Pat Tate & Craig Rolfe were lured to their grisly deaths in Rettendon. He does a lot of TV Shows these days talking to underworld folks, & has written several books. I'm not convinced he is as close to these gangsters & drug dealers as he claims. I formed the view he's not a man I like or trust.

    I used to play a lot of poker with a guy named xxxx xxxx (best not reveal his name), he ran (or claimed to) all the Doors in Northampton. He was quietly menacing, seemed a regular guy to chat to & mix with. Then I was with him in a Casino one day & he took delivery of a big brown envelope from a lad from Derby I knew well who had just finished a 7 year stretch for drug dealing. He promptly opened the envelope & out tumbled huge wads of £50 notes, all in £2,500 "packets", some £70,000 in all. It seemed all routine & matter of fact to him, & it scared me a bit. It amazed me though that he took delivery of the envelope, opened it & counted the contents in a licensed Casino, which as you know are all well covered by security cameras. Rookie error that, I'd have thought.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    It depends to be honest Tony. If there is a chance of the handover being jacked or in some way compromised having it in a place with saturation cctv is no bad thing. Also once the exchange has taken place there is the safety of having a large amount of cash in a place where there might well be high rollers and so a man with 70 grand in cash may not be that unusual.

    Certainly not how I'd have done it but then I'm not a man who habitually took deliveries of cash in public so it's only summation.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Oh ffs this is getting ridiculous now, 23.15 deepy and Im 3rd with 23,000 chips blinds are 300/600.

    There are 9 left and it pays 6 I get KK :) in the bb. Big stack 39,000 the sb gets 9 Q :p .

    Flop is 8 10 J :o . Nh, gg, *^&* off!!! :s

    Rant over. I feel a little better, would play the 2am freezy but I already know how its going to turn out.

    God I really hate poker sometimes :(

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Hi all, you gotta laugh. I mean seriously.

    23.15 Deepstack play for nearly 3 hours only to YES BUBBLE AGAIN in 7th paying last 6.

    It's enough to drive a man to drink.

    Cheers everyone.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Wow just had the most surreal exit in the 23.15 deepy.

    Exit hand saw 3 of us turning the spade flush. Talk about a cooler.

    Shortie turned 3rd nuts, me in mid stack turned 2nd nuts, chip leader turned nuts.

    Conspiracy theorists its over to you lol.

    Seroiusly why does everybody play the 2 quid deepstack like its the main event. Tonight only @Whammerhea and @MiCFrOG were prepared to have a laugh and some banter at the table.

    Guys n Gals come on yeah we pay more for a coffee from Costa / Starbucks / Nero etc, loosen up a little and engage with each other. Seriously if you want to take poker that serious save up and play a 30 quid buy in, but at 2 pound its supposed to be fun plus there's some really great people out there. Get to know them, it's worth a couple of quid to make a friend or two surely.

    I don't know how much longer I can keep going but hey its all about the ride yeah and to be honest whilst Sky has its detractors for me its a site and a forum with real people who aren't all about the money.

    This laptop goes back to its owner later today so I don't know when Ill be on the forum again. However I can still play on my antiquated thing so if were at a table together get the chat box going guys yeah coz although I dont know any of you personally most of you probably know more about me than some of my family.

    This is a really bad time of the year for me personally and yup I'm absolutely hammered as I write this (its easier than dealing with all the ****) but I would like to ask you guys a favour.

    Go find somebody you love and hold them like its your last hour on Earth, tell them what they mean to you and don't be afraid to be vunerable.

    Then go find somebody who has wronged you or who you have wronged and either forgive them or make it right.

    Finally, although the timbre of this missive is ominous dunna werrit thessen, I anna gonna do owt stupid.

    Till whenever and yes Ive got a belting story from clubland for you. Have fun, rungood, love each other with a passion and fkn smash the granny out of it.

    From the heart,


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575

    Look after yourself Mark @TheEdge949, you'll be much missed in your absence.

    Loved this, real Staffordshire dialect.

    dunna werrit thessen

    It's usually preceded by "orate youth?".

    Got to love English language & dialects.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Ok well after short two week hiatus I now have my new laptop and it's back to poker normality.

    For this year I've decided to do a challenge in a different way.

    I'm going to deposit £30 and play only 28p dyms, until either I double the stack or go bust.

    Upon doubling I then switch to 55p dyms until I either double up when I then play £1.10 or I lose the profit when I then go back to 28p dym and so on etc.

    The aim is to be playing £5.50 dym by the end of the year with a roll large enough to stand a 50 buy in downswing.

    Any freeroll winnings will be added to the bankroll and any £2.30 tickets used for a deep stack with any cashes also added.

    This will probably take me some time as Im not comfortable playing more than 2 / 3 tables at a time and is also traffic dependant, theres not always many people about at 2 am etc

    So without further ado lets get ready to do it.

    Til next time, have fun, rungood, love each other and smash it.

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,115
    Very best of luck to you Mark, I am sure you will achieve your goal(s)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575

    Good to see you back Mark.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 7,842
    edited January 2020
    Good luck with this.

    What win rate percentage do you need to achieve to stay ahead at 28p?

    Will you be spreadsheeting your progress?

    When's our promised clubland story making an appearance?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Hi all,thanks for the good wishes.

    In order to stay ahead a 57% win rate returns a profit of 50p over 100 games so its never going to be a get rich quick challenge.

    Its more about establishing a strong game where sometimes the correct play isnt always profitable ie. calling an all with top set on the turn even when we may be dominated because long term its a profitable play etc.

    I will not be spreadsheeting my progress for a couple of reasons.

    1. I dont know how.
    2. Whats a spreadsheet.

    The clubland story will be here over the weekend, still undecided which one to tell. At the moment its a toss up between "The raging ****" or "Noddy's drunken rampage".

    Played the first session tonight.

    Starting bal £30.17

    Played 20

    Cashed in 13

    Closing bal £31.07

    Like I said its going to be a grind.

    Til next time have fun, rungood, love each other and smash it.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    Tikay10 said:



    Theres a whole generation asking "What the blazes is that" lol.

    Ahhhh, the good old days.

    P.S. Ive heard it rumoured that you can remember the white fiver.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,575

    I only realise quite recently that £1 notes were no longer in circulation.

    When did that happen?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,602
    The pound note was withdrawn from circulation in 1988 according to the B.o E. website.

    How old do we feel now ?. Me personally blooming ancient.
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