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.Poker.p. j.Jenuis.,long road,to Poker Redemption.



  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    Maybe ( it is possible ? , But don't think so,that p.j.lose mind? )

    It might be possible* Unlucky getting pwned by Missy69 there. Please keep this content coming, easily the best thread in the Sky Pokerverse.

    *Poker philosophers stroke their beards and wonder if anything is more possible.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    batman and thrombin have spoken mrp better take note
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    throbin even
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,933
    i cba to quote so c+p this bit which got me perplexed
    I, honestly do not know,the concept,of,getting it in,way behind,and " emerging victorious " (yet)

    *and,as stated,when I do get it in,behind,it is always,with something,not,never,junk.
    stokefcSmall blind200.00200.0012270.00
    misterpjBig blind400.00600.0039065.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    misterpjUnmatched bet37025.005680.0037025.00
    • 3
    • 4
    • K
    • 7
    • Q
    • 2
    • 4
    • 2
    • 10
    misterpjWinTwo Pairs, 4s and 2s5680.0042705.00
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,382
    Well exposed stokey, Pj a fraud?
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    I won't believe this is true until @misterpj confirms it.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    deffo its a double
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    Tbf 34s is premium junk and folding 3 to a straight flush pre is definitely not GTO.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    'Bravo,Tis Saturday,word,and promise kept (standard)

    Before,we start, p.j. has too ' help' the obvious "trio", learn;
    how to....' suck.....The Poker Egg' ,glad to be of service,happy too oblige.

    Let's lance that little boil,right away.

    On inspection,more of a pesky 'yellow ' head;

    Squeeze,raise,wipe,rather than squeeze,raise,fold..

    ' he is good,those in the know,chorus' the boy ( pretty boy) .p.j. ,he is,very good 😉

    So,my ' dear ' little Stokey,and friend(s)

    Time,to wield,The Willow, a Cricket analogy,forPoker.

    .p.j.Poker.p.j.Jenius. perceives, Stoke,mumsie,NOSTRi,as,an eclectic mix,of 'bowlers'

    .p.j. was,an eclectic mix,of, Sir Garfield Sobers,Don Bradman,Brian Lara and Chris Gayle,as the number three,he was,is.

    Stoke,bit of a Bob Willis, (skittish run up,aspires,to bounce em,rite on PJ.'s chubby chin chin) mumsie,more of your Mike Brearley ( slow left arm,daisy cutters, skinning the top,of pj's toes)
    NOSTRi,a ' Peter Roebuck '😋😘😇 left arm,leg breaks,( and more,much more) 💅

    Bowl,what,you like lads,..SPANKED, the boundary,all Test Series.

    ° I never get it in,with Junk° .....

    I wonder, ?...if, the ' Oh me,oh my,would p.j. have shipped it ? if I had shoved the lot ,rather than call 600, shove,I "snap fold Stokey" ..guarantee that, but,I will point it out for you,as you abstained from mentioning it, "would have" made,the flush,on the river" veiled, ard done by,moment (😂)

    from the get go,patiently building a stack,playing way,into tournament contention ( oh,the irony) not I that posted,the 3 4 pocket suited clubs hand,but "someone obviously felt the need" 😍

    One of the top players here,loved the aggression,zero Sarcasm.
    (of that move in context ) and told me to ' keep at it ' .

    In Context,of STACK SIZE 🤐 ( stokey 😉),and,oooh, twas,a bounty hunter too boot?

    Big Boss Man,here,is a " straight cover drive 😉 " for them.

    Pocket Cards, pre flop.

    3c4c v KdJd wins 371 coups in 1000
    3c4c v Ks 7c wins 386 coups in 1000
    3c4c v Ks 7c v Kd Jd wins 315 coups in 1000,..but, Kd Jd Folded pre,to the Shove 😊

    Will do for me,a compliment,from a legend,on here,an actual,genuine,non sarcastic comment,from one of your own,top players,but pocket suited 34 clubs,rancid play!.

    The Irony,the very hand referenced ( pocket 3 4 suited clubs ) not,repeat not posted by me, gets me, ( the first ever! by the way ) compliment,from a player,percieved,to be ' anti p.j.' but, tells me,if,this is for real ? 80 rated,10k green,ambition,go for it.It is.

    Final time, 40 card pocket combo's, (yes,a tad wider range ) 40.

    t.a.g. from the get go,play position,and, obviously the " player (s) "

    AA,KK,QQ,JJ,1010,99,88,77,66,55,44,33,22,AKs AQs,AJs,A10s,A9s,A8s,A 7s,A6s,A5s,KQs,KJs,K10s,QJs,Q10s,Q9s,J10s,AKo,

    ...I observed,one of the dynamic duo ? Throbbin, ? I think.

    Educating the SkyPoker world,on 3 Bet,Stratedgy.
    ( no thanks coach ! 😂)

    But,here is .p.j.s.

    In plain English.

    1.identify,tight,nitty players.Ideally,in,on,around the button. not,do this,when an early position raises significantly.
    3.If you have identified,target players,THREE BET,the life out of them; with,additional range,
    Suited one gap, 86,97,8 10,9J.
    Suited connect 56,67,78,89,9,10.
    Suited combo's K9,K8,K7,A2,A3,A4.

    most important of all,the reason for doing this, the majority of players,FOLD ℅
    confronted with a THREE BET,is way to HIGH.

    Right,done my bit,given away,all I can,( too help,aspiring players) not ' dynamic duo's' ( trio's) ?

    Myself,ran,real awful this week ,no bother,my ' hand of the week ' was this one.

    Before hand,nothing entered ,in the little Black Poker Book of notes.
    After hand,the entry,note was,please,please,let me be seated,with this player,much,more often.😉

    snapshot ,from 18th May

    5th of 62, 5th of 123, 2nd of 94,could ( possibly should ) easily,have been;

    1-2 of 62, 1-2 of 123, 1 of 94,..makes,a big difference,only three weeks in ,of 104,to player rating and profit.

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    very good paul onwards and upwards
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Never,' moaning' ,ever again, EVER, but, if done eloquently,can I have a crack ? ;
    At," moaning em in - moaning em,to hold"

    Exactly,four weeks today,nice,neat,concise,like,an Eloquent Actuary.

    Brief appraisal later,currently,..fumbling for smelling salts ! In need of Horlicks !

    Could not,have ' hit the deck,harder,if a Prime M Tyson,had connected my chin,with a clean shot !

    When ( I am patiently waiting,when,I accomplish,one of these,other way around)

    ? Be allright , if I celebrate? Rather than feel,any ' pang of guilt' ..just,wanted,too cash!

    Back,on Poker Horse 😘

    Run superb,everyone. .p.Jenius. xxx
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Always,always,post,with a ' wry smile' and never again,with the ' former, perma,two year scowl.

    .prettyboy.p. j. needs a Metaphorical Poker cuddle,..
    wonder ? if Moulah $€£ Benji,up for the job 😘

    Almost,a Freudian Slip,and scribed,its tough,at the Top,or ? is it even tougher ? at the bottom.

    just to prove,I do not multi table,all over the place, here is this,and was followed,by back to back, £5.50 bounty hunters,..What is it? with .p.j. and pocket Aces? gis,a cuddle Matt🤗🤗🤗

    See hand,above,my pocket Aces,cracked.
    Then,my pocket Aces,run into,five community spades..( no,I didn't have A spade!) Yes,I folded.
    then,my pocket 22, I flop a set,..huge pot,all in,on the flop , .p.j.s. chance for Poker Glory;

    222 v AA.. guess? What,insta spiked the turn ! ( Not,repeat Not,a moan up! tough at the top)

    If, M.B. reiterates,it is because,I ' won't admit to myself ' ! I,will,have to eat,yet,another HAT.😘🤗

    genuinely,dragged myself,off the Poker floor,akin,to Mr Fury ( v Wylder.first fight)

    But,hand below,smoked my Poker boots,this morning..' blinking aces' M.B. cuddle !

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Anyways, ' the boy .p.j. ' trying,very hard,to do,exactly what it said,on the TIN.

    defacto,of course,I know,it is of,possibly Novelty Value ? at best,to the vast majority,but,that suits, pretty boy.p. j. ,Mighty fine.

    Unless,you,dear reader,are,either, my mate, Mr Mumsie (Charles) .total.genuine.REAL respect,why so ? simply because,if I were to pick,any one ( 1) other player, ( myself excepted ) to scale,the giddy Poker heights,I wish too see,that chappy,achieve whatever Poker aspirations and dreams,he may have.Enough said,wont be saying it again.

    Next,always,had a 'softspot' for,your very own, madprof, several reasons,not withstanding,stuck with me for ages,and ages,the 😀 misguided prognosis ! .p.j. always liked that.

    ( Don't want,to go off,on any tangent here,but)

    my very best buddies Mrs, is the female equivalent of Einstein,as in,the genuine sense,.Intelligence Quotient off,the chart,a supremely successful business lady,she is C.E.O of her own,tech company,but also qualified in law,and medicine.

    Recently,she just came out with, 'Paul' , I notice, Michael and yourself,are constently,both,talking too each other,and referring to each other," in the third person" ,it is getting worrying!

    to which,my instant response,was,' p.j. style' something about,only eccentric geniuses ( flawed or otherwise!) can style,that out. Much,gwaffufing,between my buddy,and self,but Miss Maria,as I always affectionately call her,said,' no Paul,we have got to talk' ,not just,the third person stuff,but the constant varying,accents,and dialects,well,it keeps my buddy and I , 'sane' so we reassure each other daily !

    Argh..Poker, but first , a Revelation; time,for,one of them

    .p.j. is going " Bi " ..there ' Paul " that was easy,to say,publiclly,wasnt it.

    Huge Celebrations,round madprof's ' gaff ' ( Castle ) , please be, Bi-Annually..

    Can't do that ! but, .p.j. has concluded, " Bi-Fortnightly" is Optimum.
    ( just,in case) 😉.that will be,every fourth Saturday,🤗 Guvnor. Word Given,Promise.

    So, as " .p.j." recalls,it was broadly thus.

    Two Full Years,24 months,104 weeks,to,aspire,to achieve,from scratch,the following.

    Sharky Rating minimum 80, pref 80 plus,and profit aspiration target of £10,000,which for me,would equate to, £3500 gross,over four years total,two abysmal ( past) two,brimful of potential ( future) .And,my maximum buy in allowed,£11.00 ( does include Satellites😉😉)

    Only m.t.t.s and d.y.m.s as sharky,not account for cash (unfortunately)

    Especially,for someone like yours truly, I could not be,without the Scope,for .p.j.'s Venture.
    My,' our' automated ledger, your,our,sublime Actuary,clear,concise,precise ( enough)

    So,this will be,the only time,I ever post these again,after this
    p.j. will chime in, once,every fourth Saturday ( Bi-Fortnightly ) 😊

    Four,exact,weeks,today,left hand column,two thirds down,first activity,last activity.... etcetera.

    Well shy ! Of Ten Big Ones,but,that 65 player rating in four weeks,makes, p.j. happy,but,not satisfied.And,it could,it really really could,have been much better,wait,till .P.J runs HOT.😋





  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,475
    Well played Paul!

    TBF you are at least £28.84 better off than I thought you would be after a month.

    I would suggest-without pi ssing on your chips you consider the average over the month of 57...I’d hate you to become complacent?🤔💩👹👿🤪
  • gregkdy82gregkdy82 Member Posts: 532
    misterpj said:

    Anyways, ' the boy .p.j. ' trying,very hard,to do,exactly what it said,on the TIN.

    defacto,of course,I know,it is of,possibly Novelty Value ? at best,to the vast majority,but,that suits, pretty boy.p. j. ,Mighty fine.

    Unless,you,dear reader,are,either, my mate, Mr Mumsie (Charles) .total.genuine.REAL respect,why so ? simply because,if I were to pick,any one ( 1) other player, ( myself excepted ) to scale,the giddy Poker heights,I wish too see,that chappy,achieve whatever Poker aspirations and dreams,he may have.Enough said,wont be saying it again.

    Next,always,had a 'softspot' for,your very own, madprof, several reasons,not withstanding,stuck with me for ages,and ages,the 😀 misguided prognosis ! .p.j. always liked that.

    ( Don't want,to go off,on any tangent here,but)

    my very best buddies Mrs, is the female equivalent of Einstein,as in,the genuine sense,.Intelligence Quotient off,the chart,a supremely successful business lady,she is C.E.O of her own,tech company,but also qualified in law,and medicine.

    Recently,she just came out with, 'Paul' , I notice, Michael and yourself,are constently,both,talking too each other,and referring to each other," in the third person" ,it is getting worrying!

    to which,my instant response,was,' p.j. style' something about,only eccentric geniuses ( flawed or otherwise!) can style,that out. Much,gwaffufing,between my buddy,and self,but Miss Maria,as I always affectionately call her,said,' no Paul,we have got to talk' ,not just,the third person stuff,but the constant varying,accents,and dialects,well,it keeps my buddy and I , 'sane' so we reassure each other daily !

    Argh..Poker, but first , a Revelation; time,for,one of them

    .p.j. is going " Bi " ..there ' Paul " that was easy,to say,publiclly,wasnt it.

    Huge Celebrations,round madprof's ' gaff ' ( Castle ) , please be, Bi-Annually..

    Can't do that ! but, .p.j. has concluded, " Bi-Fortnightly" is Optimum.
    ( just,in case) 😉.that will be,every fourth Saturday,🤗 Guvnor. Word Given,Promise.

    So, as " .p.j." recalls,it was broadly thus.

    Two Full Years,24 months,104 weeks,to,aspire,to achieve,from scratch,the following.

    Sharky Rating minimum 80, pref 80 plus,and profit aspiration target of £10,000,which for me,would equate to, £3500 gross,over four years total,two abysmal ( past) two,brimful of potential ( future) .And,my maximum buy in allowed,£11.00 ( does include Satellites😉😉)

    Only m.t.t.s and d.y.m.s as sharky,not account for cash (unfortunately)

    Especially,for someone like yours truly, I could not be,without the Scope,for .p.j.'s Venture.
    My,' our' automated ledger, your,our,sublime Actuary,clear,concise,precise ( enough)

    So,this will be,the only time,I ever post these again,after this
    p.j. will chime in, once,every fourth Saturday ( Bi-Fortnightly ) 😊

    Four,exact,weeks,today,left hand column,two thirds down,first activity,last activity.... etcetera.

    Well shy ! Of Ten Big Ones,but,that 65 player rating in four weeks,makes, p.j. happy,but,not satisfied.And,it could,it really really could,have been much better,wait,till .P.J runs HOT.😋





    When looking at your sharkscope you should search for results of your scheduled games and sng's seperatley. It will help you see where you are going wrong.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Cheers Lads,wont ( can't be back,till a bi-fortnight has passed) best Poker wishes all,run Hot.

    Greg,cheers,dym ℅ abysmal ,marathon,not a sprint. Xxx
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,475
    gregkdy82 said:

    misterpj said:

    Anyways, ' the boy .p.j. ' trying,very hard,to do,exactly what it said,on the TIN.

    defacto,of course,I know,it is of,possibly Novelty Value ? at best,to the vast majority,but,that suits, pretty boy.p. j. ,Mighty fine.

    Unless,you,dear reader,are,either, my mate, Mr Mumsie (Charles) .total.genuine.REAL respect,why so ? simply because,if I were to pick,any one ( 1) other player, ( myself excepted ) to scale,the giddy Poker heights,I wish too see,that chappy,achieve whatever Poker aspirations and dreams,he may have.Enough said,wont be saying it again.

    Next,always,had a 'softspot' for,your very own, madprof, several reasons,not withstanding,stuck with me for ages,and ages,the 😀 misguided prognosis ! .p.j. always liked that.

    ( Don't want,to go off,on any tangent here,but)

    my very best buddies Mrs, is the female equivalent of Einstein,as in,the genuine sense,.Intelligence Quotient off,the chart,a supremely successful business lady,she is C.E.O of her own,tech company,but also qualified in law,and medicine.

    Recently,she just came out with, 'Paul' , I notice, Michael and yourself,are constently,both,talking too each other,and referring to each other," in the third person" ,it is getting worrying!

    to which,my instant response,was,' p.j. style' something about,only eccentric geniuses ( flawed or otherwise!) can style,that out. Much,gwaffufing,between my buddy,and self,but Miss Maria,as I always affectionately call her,said,' no Paul,we have got to talk' ,not just,the third person stuff,but the constant varying,accents,and dialects,well,it keeps my buddy and I , 'sane' so we reassure each other daily !

    Argh..Poker, but first , a Revelation; time,for,one of them

    .p.j. is going " Bi " ..there ' Paul " that was easy,to say,publiclly,wasnt it.

    Huge Celebrations,round madprof's ' gaff ' ( Castle ) , please be, Bi-Annually..

    Can't do that ! but, .p.j. has concluded, " Bi-Fortnightly" is Optimum.
    ( just,in case) 😉.that will be,every fourth Saturday,🤗 Guvnor. Word Given,Promise.

    So, as " .p.j." recalls,it was broadly thus.

    Two Full Years,24 months,104 weeks,to,aspire,to achieve,from scratch,the following.

    Sharky Rating minimum 80, pref 80 plus,and profit aspiration target of £10,000,which for me,would equate to, £3500 gross,over four years total,two abysmal ( past) two,brimful of potential ( future) .And,my maximum buy in allowed,£11.00 ( does include Satellites😉😉)

    Only m.t.t.s and d.y.m.s as sharky,not account for cash (unfortunately)

    Especially,for someone like yours truly, I could not be,without the Scope,for .p.j.'s Venture.
    My,' our' automated ledger, your,our,sublime Actuary,clear,concise,precise ( enough)

    So,this will be,the only time,I ever post these again,after this
    p.j. will chime in, once,every fourth Saturday ( Bi-Fortnightly ) 😊

    Four,exact,weeks,today,left hand column,two thirds down,first activity,last activity.... etcetera.

    Well shy ! Of Ten Big Ones,but,that 65 player rating in four weeks,makes, p.j. happy,but,not satisfied.And,it could,it really really could,have been much better,wait,till .P.J runs HOT.😋





    When looking at your sharkscope you should search for results of your scheduled games and sng's seperatley. It will help you see where you are going wrong.
    Tbf ...Paul knows where he’s going wrong....he’s logging on! 💩👹🤪👿😂
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377,you know .p.j. ' be lurving You..😘😘😘,but,unless Tony Kendall, ( and he never has yet) removes .P.J.... Poker.P.J.jenuis,( the real deal ) not ( he cremated )..

    You, my Son,are going to ( be , in the nicest nicest possible way ) " choking,on your mocking"

    Tell you what, for Sporting Prop Bet,you, put up your prices,

    Within, two years,104 weeks, from start of this thread,

    I will be,minimum,sharky rated 80..your price please ?..999-1..or ? What.

    Or,as above ,minimum, £10,000 green, on sharky...your price please 999-1..or ? What.

    And,your ,price please ?... The Above Double ? 999-1..?

    Let's see,your prices offered,?..and,I cannot buy in,more than £11.00 Inc,satalites.

    If ? You actually " own,or have, A PAIR..when I see your prices,. .I will contact,SkyBet SkyPoker.

    for " fun" see, what they lay me,strike,the bet,screenshot it,and put it here,for World too see.,so, looking forward,too you,raising me,off the table.

    p.s. Any reason,you HIDE your Sharky..🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍😎😎😎😁😁😁😘😘😘

    Some," talk the talk " Some " walk the walk " , and a few, " wake up,from their dreams " and actually achieve them ( dreams) 😘😘😘.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377

    please,be my Witness,this will,' resonate with You'

    when,this happens to ' us ' we,just laugh,and tell ourselves,' we know' where we are going,and how we are going to get there.

    what,I adore,about this, ( genuinely ) with back up data,
    Is, " the HE can't play,wont admit it Jibes"
    Ring,Very Hollow.

    So,madprof,when ,not if,but when,I get featured,in the BossMans who won what
    ( will Satellite into a ' whopper'..and WIN one,if,' I get there,by being on the correct end,of one of the below' I will,not be listening too,any,he got lucky,flim-flam !

    Hope,your o.k. with that.
    below,was a £5.50 buy in,coming after a previous brutal river ,in previous £5.50 bh.

    Not,repeat,not and never moaning,ever,just wish,to share,show,it might tuff,at the Top 😅😘😎

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,475
    misterpj said:,you know .p.j. ' be lurving You..😘😘😘,but,unless Tony Kendall, ( and he never has yet) removes .P.J.... Poker.P.J.jenuis,( the real deal ) not ( he cremated )..

    You, my Son,are going to ( be , in the nicest nicest possible way ) " choking,on your mocking"

    Tell you what, for Sporting Prop Bet,you, put up your prices,

    Within, two years,104 weeks, from start of this thread,

    I will be,minimum,sharky rated 80..your price please ?..999-1..or ? What.

    Or,as above ,minimum, £10,000 green, on sharky...your price please 999-1..or ? What.

    And,your ,price please ?... The Above Double ? 999-1..?

    Let's see,your prices offered,?..and,I cannot buy in,more than £11.00 Inc,satalites.

    If ? You actually " own,or have, A PAIR..when I see your prices,. .I will contact,SkyBet SkyPoker.

    for " fun" see, what they lay me,strike,the bet,screenshot it,and put it here,for World too see.,so, looking forward,too you,raising me,off the table.

    p.s. Any reason,you HIDE your Sharky..🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍😎😎😎😁😁😁😘😘😘

    Some," talk the talk " Some " walk the walk " , and a few, " wake up,from their dreams " and actually achieve them ( dreams) 😘😘😘.

    Hey Paul

    I gotta admire your gonads, albeit in a slightly delusional, different world that I live in :p

    Ok, lets agree? IF( I can't believe I'm typing this..) you reach £10k profit in 2 years, I will donate £100 to a charity of your choice..IF at the same point you reach £10k profit, your ability rating is 80 or over, I will donate a further £100 to said charity

    However IF at the same point you haven't reached the two landmarks you have set your self, you will donate £100( 50% of my commitment) to a charity of my choice


    Re: Sharky..I don't hide my sharkscope stats...I choose NOT to share them...player poker is about not giving people information....Why should I show them statistically I am not in profit, I lose more than I win...we've got you for that! :#

    GL with the challenge, going BI as well, must have been difficult hiding your sexuality choices all these years and if by the end of May 22 me, you and Skypoker is still around, I'll send you the details of my charity ! >:)
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