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Token of Appreciation. Pledge of Positivity. Thanks to all who have signed the petition!



  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    StayOrGo said:

    Phantom66 said:

    After Sunday night's efforts I haven't played again yet, next event will probably be the PLO8 min-UKOPs B/H tomorrow and may follow up with a couple more mini-UKOPs before they finish.

    I have withdrawn my original £40 deposit and also £500 of my winnings which I will be putting straight into the Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund once cleared.

    That leaves with a roll over £200 which I hope to put to good use and make some more money for humanitarian causes.

    I am not sure how yet, I can't expect to luckbox just under 1000 entrant MTTs too often.

    I might go back to playing my tried and tested (but low volume) 6 max SNGs and the occasional MTT but no more than £5 entries until I have the tokens for another punt at a main event.

    Hi Mark.

    Congratulations on your £500 winnings and so fantastic of you to give it to Sam's humanitarian fund!

    He'd be so proud of you, as you were of him, I am sure.

    He was clearly an amazing person.

    I lost my brother to suicide, before his time.

    He was the youngest of 5 siblings and it was terribly hard for all of us, especially my parents.

    For me, it was initially difficult to try and remember the good times we shared, but as time goes on, more and more of them come to mind, and I can feel his presence in my heart, as I recall him.

    I do hope you can find some solace in remembering the good times and the incredible person that Sam clearly was.

    If you ever feel that you would like to do some form of charity Poker competition, for his Humanitarian fund, I'd be happy to support/assist.

    Take care,

    Thanks G.

    You have done a lot of great work in memory of Tim and are following up with QUICKFEET. I would love to collaborate in some way in the future, we have suspended the fundraising at the moment while we try and get other things over the line.

    Definitely up for something later this year.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited May 2020
    Phantom66 said:

    StayOrGo said:

    Phantom66 said:

    After Sunday night's efforts I haven't played again yet, next event will probably be the PLO8 min-UKOPs B/H tomorrow and may follow up with a couple more mini-UKOPs before they finish.

    I have withdrawn my original £40 deposit and also £500 of my winnings which I will be putting straight into the Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund once cleared.

    That leaves with a roll over £200 which I hope to put to good use and make some more money for humanitarian causes.

    I am not sure how yet, I can't expect to luckbox just under 1000 entrant MTTs too often.

    I might go back to playing my tried and tested (but low volume) 6 max SNGs and the occasional MTT but no more than £5 entries until I have the tokens for another punt at a main event.

    Hi Mark.

    Congratulations on your £500 winnings and so fantastic of you to give it to Sam's humanitarian fund!

    He'd be so proud of you, as you were of him, I am sure.

    He was clearly an amazing person.

    I lost my brother to suicide, before his time.

    He was the youngest of 5 siblings and it was terribly hard for all of us, especially my parents.

    For me, it was initially difficult to try and remember the good times we shared, but as time goes on, more and more of them come to mind, and I can feel his presence in my heart, as I recall him.

    I do hope you can find some solace in remembering the good times and the incredible person that Sam clearly was.

    If you ever feel that you would like to do some form of charity Poker competition, for his Humanitarian fund, I'd be happy to support/assist.

    Take care,

    Thanks G.

    You have done a lot of great work in memory of Tim and are following up with QUICKFEET. I would love to collaborate in some way in the future, we have suspended the fundraising at the moment while we try and get other things over the line.

    Definitely up for something later this year.
    Thanks Mark.

    Whenever you feel ready and want to do something for Sam's Humanitarian fund, let me know and we'll figure something out, maybe a team cup for various geographical regions of the UK, or something similar.

    Anyhow, I will leave it with you to give me a shout when the time is right for you.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited June 2020
    Oh dear letting things slip already.

    Some positives while I have been off this thread:

    1. Continuing the run of token building. When today's arrives I will have a tourney fund of £18.40
    2. Looking forward to the freeroll promotion, the PLO8 league and the micro stakes league week 2
    3. I rescued another bee this morning
    4. I needn't have worried, I checked it out and my eyesight is fine. I managed to complete a 40 mile round trip to a local beauty spot. I didn't have a toddler so I hoped my 15 month Cocker Spaniel would do. We made to a picnic spot by a river near a small market town with a castle. Didn't go the town or the castle of course. Me Mrs P and Lily survived the trip and had a lovely time.
    5. Been back working, enjoying it and productive

    Not so positive.

    1. The BR. Been indulging in some high variance stuff. Have been +400, -100 and currently +30.
    2. My microstakes league week 1 performance
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    I'm just here for the bee-rescuing.

    Oh, okay, and the other things. Heartening to hear that work is productive and enjoyable. Less heartening to hear about the swings (unless you love swings?).
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    I remember Ben being an engaging speaker and he was approachable and had time for people afterwards. I can't remember what he spoke about specifically but as he was/is a futurist and technologist and we were on a cyber security course it was definitely related to that.

    No recollection of your missed pitch sorry, but I can relate to seeing something negative and trying to do something about it and not getting traction.

    We did some futurist predictions of our own on that course and our group felt that the NHS was at a high risk of a cyber attack and was being ignored as a priority by the UK Govt, we felt a significant attack was likely within 7 years. Pitched that to a Baroness from the House of Lords who had a role in Government relevant to that at the time and she agreed but we never really got traction.

    I did get a paper cited by the European Commission when reviewing the risks of cyber attacks on medical devices and they ultimately brought in new laws related to that so I suppose I did play a very small part somewhere along the line.

    My current obsession is with flight safety, for obvious reasons, if I could give one piece of advice to anyone it would be do not fly on 737 MAX. No matter what they say about it, the design flaws are too great and have been patched up not fundamentally solved and given it is over 18 months since the 1st crash when they started working on a fix, it shows how major the flaws were.

    Swings - well upswings are feel great of course, downswings suck. It is exciting and of course very dangerous. Playing high variance stuff with a limited BR is the main problem but the "buzz" from winning a relatively large amount in a relatively short amount of time can fuel those demons within.

    I guess I am owning up to try and put me back on the straight and narrow regarding BR and game selection. I am playing recreationally for fun, but I'm also trying to win something for a good cause.

    Plan for this week is to use low BI 6max's or DYMs to get the points to play in the new freerolls and keep things steady. Will also play 3 of the PLO8 challenge games and if I can some weekly micro MTTs.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Really interesting, thought-provoking and meaty reply - thanks.

    Apols for brevity but heading for a dip in the sea before this glorious weather disappears. VBOL on/off the felt this week (and all weeks).
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Ok so this week I was looking forward to

    "the freeroll promotion, the PLO8 league and the micro stakes league week 2"

    Didn't win a bean from the freerolls, missed a couple of days play which meant not in the freeroll and behind the curve for the qualifying points. When I did get in I bricked them. Still seems very good value, especially at current volume so I will try again next week.

    The PLO8 league went better. Managed to bink the 3rd of my entries for a max 36pts and be in contention with some minor points in the other 2, so I will definitely be going for that again this week.

    With going for the freerolls I easily made the 100pts so that is another £2.30 token coming tomorrow to make a total of £20.70.

    Haven't had a go at the micro stakes league this week though, might have to put that on hold for a while.

    As I was behind the curve on the freeroll entry points when I logged in at about 8.10 tonight I was a long way behind the 200 points needed. So in a very reasoned, logical way I concluded that the best thing was to jump on a 1.50/3 NL spinup table.

    A few hands later I was involved in what must be my biggest ever cash pot, not impressive by most people's standards, but bear in mind I don't usually pay cash and if I do my ability limit is arguably 10nl (probably lower).

    So I took a sharp intake of breath as I loaded £30 and clicked the auto-topup button. Mustn't look scared I thought. Two of the bigger names on the site were sat at the table, which I must admit nearly made my stand before my BB came round. Then I thought, well they must be here for a reason and for once it can't be me as I have only just sat. Don't clash with them and see what the other 2 players are like.

    Two hands in I found out a bit about one of them.

    I'm in the SB with A2h. Folds to button who calls. I raise £7.50, BB folds and button calls. Flop QT8 one heart. Pot is now £21 and I have £21 behind. I have the betting momentum but not much wiggle room. I decide to Jam. Button calls, woops, but wait I am ahead they show K9 and I hold.

    So now I have a stack of £61.20 and I am very tempted to stand but I stay and same opponent open limps from the CO. I am on the button and I have QQ. So I raise £15 and then whoops the BB (one of the site big names) reraises. CO folds. I am sorely tempted to fold and stand and bank a profit but I shove (think of the points!) and I get the expected call.

    So here I am in a £117 pot. Time slowed. BB showed AKo. Wow I'm ahead but basically flipping a coin.

    As avid forum readers will know the RNG is rigged in favour of the "site players" so no surprise to see an A on the flop, however there was also a Q on the flop. The turn is 10h. Not loving that, there were 2 hearts on the flop, our opponent has the Ah and has picked up a gutshot straight draw and nut flush draw. So now I know for sure the poker gods, or the rigged sky RNG, is going to produce a Jh just to rub it in.

    And so I called it out loud "Jack of hearts", and of course the river card came, and it was a......


    of clubs.

    boom baby.

    Made another £18 off of our limp caller shortly after and this time I stood. Now I am thinking I should have stayed. I had position and a decent stack against an opponent who limp called or min raised most hands. I also hadn't hit my points target. But I really had to lock in that profit with my B/R (which I shouldn't have been risking).

    So now I'm back up to +170 since the mini-UKOPs win and withdrawal.

    Going to see if I can actually stick to lower BI SnGs and the odd MTT to try and build a roll the proper (less exciting, but longer term more likely) way.

    In real life getting pretty sick of the people who don't get (or do but deliberately twist) the Black Lives Matter campaign.

    Yes Jenny of Frinton on Sea all lives matter, that's the point, Black people are disproportionately victims of poverty, poor health, discrimination in the work place, discrimination in the justice system. So you are not being clever, you are being f***ing ignorant when you join a thread on Black Lives Matter and reply "ALL LIVES MATTER".

    I could go on, better not, not here anyway, take it to FB, seems to be lots of reasonable people on there who will no doubt change their view with a short comment from me.

    GN and GL

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Footnote: Hand above I never really considered folding QQ, the tale is meant to be about sticking to appropriate limits and not playing at a level where you are scared money.

    That hand played itself and the way the betting went QQ v AK was the most likely holding for each of us to have given the blockers and combos we would have been thinking about when looking at our own cards and viewing the action.

    Often lessons in poker can come the hard way, if we can make a few quid and still learn a lesson from it then happy days.

    I will not know if I have learned from it for at least a few weeks though.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Not alot to update.

    Lowest volume since I have been back and didn't even get a £2.30 token.

    Positive points:

    I FT'ed a £5 PLO8 MTT to stay in contention for the PLO8 midweek monthly league

    Long way to go, bit like being 1 stroke top of the leaderboard halfway through the Open with a pack of good players just behind. Throw in the variance of being able to ditch your worst score out of the 4 rounds and it is still all to play for.

    It makes for a very interesting "moving" week 3 to come.

    I didn't chase points with spinups to get into the FRs, although that meant I didn't get into the FRs.

    There is a lot of great and interesting stuff on the forum at the moment so I am going to shut up and go read stuff and hopefully interact with a few of you on your own threads.

    ty gl
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Been a bit distracted this week, the US Senate Committee heard testimony from the Head of the Federal Aviation Authority and a representation of the victims' families Michael Stumo.

    There has been some press about it especially the lack of co-operation by the FAA in releasing requested documents and the admission that "mistakes were made" but no-one at the FAA has been disciplined.

    For me Boeing are the main culprits and the fight continues for justice and change.

    I had my say which has been picked up by the local news.

    For anyone in the NW of England it should feature on BBC regional news at 6.30.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    you shouldn't have to fight for justice it should be a given
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    I caught this on the local news.
    Good luck in your ongoing fight.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Quick update.

    Football sucks.

    That is all.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Phantom66 said:

    Quick update.

    Football sucks.

    That is all.

    I’m switching to supporting Leeds
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited August 2020
    A brief(-ish) update, ok maybe on reflection, a @HAYSIE or @markycash level not very brief at all update...

    TL;DR or if you are only here for the IMPORTANT bit...

    I am having a blast in the Premiership promo and may or may not end up regretting it.

    Please now go to the very important section at the bottom and you have my permission to ignore my ramblings up to that point.



    Poker play recently had been virtually non-existent with a range of work related and personal life issues all coming to a head especially around the last couple of weeks of July.

    Premiership Promo

    Then came the Premiership Promo. Overall despite earlier comments elsewhere on the forum about possible tweaks, I think it's a fantastic promo. A rec playing rec level volume can win some extra money and regs playing silly volume can win alot of extra money.

    Site volume goes up, rake take for sky goes up and rakeback and rewards goes up for players. Everybody happy then, well no probably not eh @Tikay10.

    The balance of course rests in picking an appropriate level of play and type of game to suit your bankroll and make it a +EV proposition for you.

    Whether I have been successful in that remains to be seen, I certainly haven't been a Bankroll nit. £16.50 and £22 Turbo DYMs and 5/10/20 NL spinup tables being my games of choice this week.

    The swings have unsurprisingly been huge, but you can certainly run up alot of points in a relatively short space of time.

    Been interesting times competing with the likes of @FeelGroggy and @loololollo on spinup tables and @TimmyRaRa on TDYMs.

    The Grogster and Loolol are putting in epic volumes aiming at the Premiership title.

    I can't remember too many specifics but memorable highlights include a @Duesenberg inspired fold of KK on the bubble of a TDYM. At the other end of the nit scale winning a very large pot with 55 AI pre on a spinup table v 33 and AK, and cracking TimmyRaRa's KK with JJ on the 1st level of a TDYM.

    I am presently 13th in League Two. I could maybe push for top 10, or rest on my laurels and at least pick up £7.50 from the promo and over £12.50 in poker point rewards.

    Top of the World

    I can now truly claim to be a world leading poker player! Ts and Cs apply always read the small print.

    Phantom66 is officially (according to sharkscope) the most profitable player globally (at the last time of checking see screenshot below).

    Ok I do need to qualify that a touch, that is 1st specifically at TDYMs for 6 players at a BI of £16.50 for the month of August (so far) in 2020. BUT I'll take it.

    I have also probably bokked myself well and truly so I needed to save that screenshot for time in memorium.

    NB I know there are plenty of less flattering stats about me on sharky but please allow me this one moment of (wafer thin) glory.

    Titles and Tokens

    I really do need to reconsider my thread title. "Token of Appreciation" was based on saving up poker tokens for runs at bigger events. I have failed at that since my comeback this year. I have not always qualified for a token recently, and indeed I lost some accidentally by playing on my phone. They are also time limited and are about to run out. So yesterday I used all of the remaining ones (£11.50) on a £22 TDYM, which therefore became a £10.50 DYM which I won £29.50 profit for which was nice.

    Therefore, I am toying with changing the title, maybe to one of the not so original choices of:

    1. 99 Problems and BRM IS one
    2. TDYMs and Stuff
    3. Diary of a reckless player
    4. From Despair to where? Phantom's diary of a poker and real life comeback.
    5. How to avoid weak players!!!

    (with credit and apologies to @loosecamel @Jac35 @peter27 @SR23 @Remi88)

    I suppose I should come up with something completely original. Suggestions welcome.

    THE IMPORTANT BIT - Please do your bit for Aviation safety

    While you are here and have managed to get through the rest of this post or bypass it to this point...

    THANK YOU - I have an important favour to ask.

    Please read and consider signing the following:

    As past readers will know my son was one of 346 people killed on board one of 2xBoeing 737 Max crashes that are now known to be caused a series of design faults and misinformation to both regulators and airlines. Bad decisions seemingly made in the desire to cut costs and meet a tight schedule as their competitor Airbus had brought out a new aircraft the A320neo and it was beating the then darling of the Boeing fleet the 737NG in the marketplace.

    Boeing are saying they have now fixed the issues and are pushing for FAA approval to lift the grounding order established after the 2nd crash in March 2019. That could see it back in the sky carrying passengers by the end of 2020 or Q1 2021.


    Boeing and the FAA have been exclusively considering changes to the parts of the systems explicitly implicated in the crashes.

    The aircraft itself is based on a huge structural aerodynamic compromise caused by changes made to accommodate the newer, larger, but more efficient engines.

    The MCAS system was developed to offset those aerodynamics and was (wrongly) considered to be a non-safety critical system as it was only there to make the Max fly with the same feel as earlier 737s and this saving the company and airlines time and money so as not to develop and deliver training for Pilots.

    With it not being safety critical the system relied on only one AngleofAttack sensor (despite their being 2 available) and in the predictable event of a failure the Pilots had a few seconds to identify the issue in a confusing array of alarms and signals and the necessary steps to override the system. All that despite never have been trained on it to or even told about the existence of MCAS. Once it kicked in based on the erroneous belief the plane was about to stall, the system continually forced the nose of the plane down countering pilot commands with tragic consequences.

    But isn't that fixed so while it was tragic it should be safe now right?


    Even if the s/w changes are good, there is limited capacity in the 2005 era architecture to run the code with very limited spare processing or memory capacity. Cramming this extra s/w in to a system intended to be conventional mechanically controlled but are now partly "fly-by-wire" means there is limited redundancy in the event of hardware failures in flight.

    Other potential safety critical issues have been found in the Max while it was grounded but not all are required to be fixed as under the FAA certification process only changed systems are in scope. In fact since the sixties when the 1st 737 was released they have never had to be certified on the the whole aircraft, only changed parts. There is an incredible amount of safety improvements that have been added to new aircraft and would be considered not safe if the Max was certified as a new aircraft.


    You can read more here if you are interested...

    **EDIT** sorry 1st link was the wrong one

    is the correct website for the campaign and information.**

    This Video is by an amazing young lady called Zipporah (or Zippy). I consider her a friend but we would never had met if her father and my son were still alive...
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
    Thanks for posting , signed.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,645
    Great post..think about you quite often.....signed
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    Good luck.
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    Great post, signed.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Good luck with continuing to be the world best sng player


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