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  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    call yourself a takeaway expert!! it refers to br eas t
     or wing, i dont like legs (pink meat ) and all the strandy stuff, so i ask for white meat only

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited March 2012
    Boneless Banquet i tried the other week, was munch and i highly recommend :)

    BBQ Meals are usually good if they do them in your area, If all else fails Big Daddy ftw

    PS- Cant believe u snap turned of msn n stuff last night :( 
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited March 2012
    probably too late now but for next time: large wicked zinger meal with cheese, with gravy as a side to dip the chips in obv.

    tis lovely!
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    plz dont use that word yb it scares me :-)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    call yourself a takeaway expert!! it refers to br eas t  or wing, i dont like legs (pink meat ) and all the strandy stuff, so i ask for white meat only
    Posted by pod1
    Ha, I'm sure you must have got this wrong!!

    How can 1 type of meat be 2 different 'colours' ???

    And btw, part of being a takeaway aficinado is not asking questions about the snap you're eating!!! It would probably put even me off!

    Naivety ftw. 

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012

    Difference Between White and Red Meat | DJ Horsley Falsgrave
    21 Feb 2011 – Spending so much time walking means chicken legs are actually red meat (if you look, especially after cooking, you can see the difference in ...
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    Chicken legs and thighs, which move constantly and need oxygen, are dark meat.  In domestic chickens, which don't fly, the bre ast muscles are not used, so they are white.  Wild game birds like ducks, which do fly, have dark  b r east meat.

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    now stop arguing and go order a family feast of "white meat" and stop wasting my time :-)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited March 2012
    I think its only fair and right i post the following, after all the mocking the Don and Young_Gun have received...

    JJ JJ says
    early double in speed then a "word deleted" wants to do the "limp/3b jam" utg thing with his aces
    so tilting

    now he 3x/calls off a 13x jam with his 9Ts and beats my AQ
    actually wanna cry coz i sound like don
    tell me to gtfo

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012


    Up unhealthily early on a Saturday morning, so thought I'd bump mi thread as I haven't posted for a while. 

    Had quite an uneventful week at the tables, playing on Monday & Thursday, and logging 2 very small winning sessions. 

    When I'm advising new players (and Don) about how to build a bankroll and do well at poker, I always refer to the word 'momentum' in every other sentence. It's important to keep progressing, or at the very least, avoid moving backwards....

    My year in poker so far has been severely lacking momentum. It seems I'm constantly trying to recover from bad sessions, and when I have recovered, I'll be hit hard again.

    Ofc this will happen naturally in poker, but a combination of erratic (poorly planned) shot taking, some drunken 200nl stupidity, and abit of bad luck mean that I still haven't really got going for 2012.

    I'm gonna have to get some discipline back, and string together some modest winning sessions. That's what I started doing this week, and hope it will continue. 


    I played my first 8pm main event of the year on Thursday. I keep reading on the forum that the £33 Thursday night bounty hunter is a "crapshoot", so this convinced me to give it a go, as it's the closest thing to a big turbo tournament on Sky Poker (Sort it out sky, more plz!!!)

    Unless they've changed the structure VVV recently, I dunno what people are on about!

    It's nowhere near a crapshoot.

    I had a good start, got a couple of heads early on, then got moved to probably the worst BH/turbo table you could think of.

    I had Scotty on my right, the rock solid runitsrann on my left, and a very solid player 'blades' also on the table.....

    It's not a problem in most tournaments, but when you're chipped up early, in a bounty tournament, which is prob the softest big tourny on the site, possibly the whole internet, it's a bad beat in itself imo.

    Tourny obviously ended in tears, made a ridic turn jam over a 2nd donk bet into me on A high board, geezer had defended with A8 and donked top pair x2, obv never folding.

    My 10 5 offsuit was no good on this occasion.

    Gonna play today, normally have 2 days off between sessions, but can't resist. Hope it goes well.


    Other news from this week.....

    - Decided that Young Gun looks alot like 'cartoon head' off ideal.

    Quality over Quantity! ^^^


    GL all over the weekend!

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    he cant start his new job looking like that!!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    he cant start his new job looking like that!!
    Posted by pod1

    4.50 Newbury
    Best, J/ Keevil, Mrs C
     Form: Age: 4 Weight: 10-12
    Spotlight :  Trainer nought from 28 with bumper newcomers in recent seasons; highly likely best watched.

    lol, more hopeless than your poker!! ^^^^^

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,645
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Hellooooooo. Up unhealthily early on a Saturday morning, so thought I'd bump mi thread as I haven't posted for a while.   I always refer to the word 'momentum' in every other sentence. It's important to keep progressing, or at the very least, avoid moving backwards.... My year in poker so far has been severely lacking momentum. It seems I'm constantly trying to recover from bad sessions, and when I have recovered, I'll be hit hard again. Ofc this will happen naturally in poker, but a combination of erratic (poorly planned) shot taking, some drunken 200nl stupidity, and abit of bad luck mean that I still haven't really got going for 2012.

    Hi JJ,
    Enjoying the diary!  I read em all, some great nuggets tucked away in them.
    Interested in the "momentum" bit.  Could I ask, whats the longest break you have taken from poker to reassess/regroup?  Also, if running bad in a session do you find it easy/hard to stand and walk or does it depend?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012

    Hey Pad, thanx.

    The longest break I've had from poker since leaving uni a few years ago was when I went abroad to Turkey for a fortnight...

    If you exclude that, it's probably only like 4/5 days at the most, and that will have been through illness which required antibiotics....

    You're relatively new to the forum, so you may, or may not know that I only ever play poker when I drink alcohol. I haven't played a proper session of poker sober since the Total Player competition, that was at least 2 years ago. 

    So unless I want to risk drinking myself to death (which I don't) I am limited to 2/3 poker sessions a week, normally play 5 days a fortnight, 10 days a month....

    All the background might seem irrelevant, but you ask how I respond to running bad in sessions........

    Well as I only play 1 time every 3 days, I can't really afford to quit a session early on if things aren't going well.I can't exactly "log off and try again tomorrow" because I wont be playing again for another 2/3 days.....

    This is obv by no means the ideal way to go about things, and I wouldn't reccommend anyone copies it! lol But you did ask.....

    My sessions normally run from midday till midnight (or when I pass out) so there is plenty of time to take breaks within sessions. Rather than log off, and do something else, I tend to try a different game. Being competent at cash/sngs and mtts gives me alot of options with game selection.

    I also play abit elsewhere on other sites, again this gives me more options within my sessions.

    So overall rather than having lots of individual poker sessions, for example, the best grinders might play 3 x 3 hour poker sessions a day, 5/6 times a week...

    I allocate like a whole day, so every 1 in 3 will be a 'poker day' for me. I can watch poker for hours, but playing it is a big effort.

    I was like this throughout school, college and uni too. If I had work to be done, rather than doing a couple of hours a night I'd allocate 2 full days and work for like 10 hours solid. Obv the quality of my work/poker will suffer, as I'm not working/grinding optimally, but it's always been good enough to get by. 

    I've no doubt this is 1 of the reasons I get my Rs slapped when I try moving up the levels, which is why discipline & momentum for a low volume player is so important. 

    I need to get my discipline & momentum back quickly, have tried hard to start that this week as I said above, and hopefully it will continue today, the dreaded Saturday session! lol aghhhh.

    Thanx for the post, hope your poker is going well.

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited March 2012
    Woah thats alot of waffle for a Saturday morning :) zzzzzzzzzz 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Woah thats alot of waffle for a Saturday morning :) zzzzzzzzzz 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    I was answering a question, gtfo!

    You just stick to looking @ the pictures son!
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012

    Morning Doh Man!

    Thought I'd drop in, seeing as I'm currently watching a pretty turgid N/W Lon derby. (I'll take the 0-0 though!)

    How do u c ur poker progressing in the future? Do u think u could make the switch2playing dry? 

    I used2enjoy a small tipple in my sessions but don't at all now. I think this definitely makes a difference to profits. (or in my case, lowers my losses lol).

    Gl2all grinding2day!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Morning Doh Man! Thought I'd drop in, seeing as I'm currently watching a pretty turgid N/W Lon derby. (I'll take the 0-0 though!) How do u c ur poker progressing in the future? Do u think u could make the switch2playing dry?  I used2enjoy a small tipple in my sessions but don't at all now. I think this definitely makes a difference to profits. (or in my case, lowers my losses lol). Gl2all grinding2day!
    Posted by JingleMa
    How did you not score there?????

    Will reply after this time tourny, it's been like the polar opposite of the 'turgid' game....

    Gonna post some mental hands, all happened within 10 mins!

  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : How did you not score there????? Will reply after this time tourny, it's been like the polar opposite of the 'turgid' game.... Gonna post some mental hands, all happened within 10 mins!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Cos Rafa's2short & Ade's2tall!! **** ****.

    Cool, gl.

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