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It's July 2020, site, script, code, 'software-hardware' known, bugs, glitches, eccentricities.



  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    this is comedy gold jac let him be
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    gpc70 said:

    this is comedy gold jac let him be

    It’s the Miranda version of comedy if it is
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    And, 'trip Jacs' said to the Emperor, guv, dat, JACK et, its, the, NUTZ. 😉
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Must have been raging when you lost that <0.5bb shove
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Plenty, plenty, players, on here, I like, and respect.

    Gpc70, a lot, as, I know, our paths crossed, way way back, same Manor,and Upton Park, and Catford cherry Hogs.

    Gpc, also, correct, plenty, Comedy Gold, just, like this.

    Bit, of your, pocket 7 Q off, calling a 330 raise,
    And, calling 660 flop bet, with... Comedy Cards.

    Happy, too, share, more, pure, Poker Comedy Gold. Enjoy.

    How, I wish, so bad, Skypoker TV, could return, pockets, too the watching millions, on delay, oh, how, I would love too play, these supastas, like, Jac35... all pockets, all play, on public, SHOW.

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    think all your detractors will say that was a bit unlucky,then again maybe not
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Gp,.. We, will, go, see, BONZO

    randomly, met, a young lady, yesterday, Anna,..

    Not, seen Anna, since, Beckenham Lautrecs, 1983,....Eltham,Chis,Sidcup,Catford,Mott..etc,

    It,was,brilliant,...random,...we,recognised,each other, insta,. her two brothers, friend's, from, football, and school,.... now, we, in our 50's...trouble,for me!!..

    She, still, Naomi Campbell look a like.. and,... Dare not.

    Drinks on me pal, we meet,.. could do with, seeing Chis... again.

    Be lucky,...! Paul J.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    It's, better, than comedy GOLD

    'he, has, got'

    A Bell, Whistle, Cherry and Walnut, sat, Astride, dat, Top. 😆😆😆

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    The gift, that keeps on giving...

  • gregkdy82gregkdy82 Member Posts: 532
    misterpj said:

    It's, better, than comedy GOLD

    'he, has, got'

    A Bell, Whistle, Cherry and Walnut, sat, Astride, dat, Top. 😆😆😆

    Couldn't **** make this up. Comedy gold right enough.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    My dear poker friends, its, relentless ( against)

    Big Stack v Small Stack.

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,373
    Are you too good for the badbeat forum these days ?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377

    Dynamite were Brains,
    Could? it lift your cap, comes to mind.

    But then, only 54 years, living a life, I do not, never ever will, regret.

    Don't look back, in anger, a certain Mancunian { lambasted band, once chortled}

    Rich in life, is, perspective, you, have yours, I have mine, cherish, and appreciate, every hour, day, Charlie Boy, you got, plenty, living, learning, too do, my old son.

    ( old school fellas, know, that's about, one of the most, respectful things, one man, can say too another)
    Intelligence Quotient, ' ain't summit, measured, here, my old mucker' on, an exclamation mark mark, semi colon, etcetera, try a colonic, average, 13lb,washed away, u b, new 'man'!

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    This, cannot, BE FOR REAL..

    And, THEY PLAYED ON......

    Automatic.. Refunds,?
    Icm. OR,.. chase, customer services..

    21.26 pm.. Tourney, playing On

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,869
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    All detractors,

    Roll Up,
    Roll Up,
    Roll Up.


    what? Tops, three and a half hour, deep mtt, POKER GOLD


    This does, it's not Poker Gold, it's, POKER PALLADUIM..

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    If, I didn't actually hand on heart care, about poker, and, level playing fields, in all of life, I wouldn't bother posting, but, I do, and, am of an age, won't ever back down, not, in my nature.

    Defo, no coach wanted, or required, but;

    A cornerman ( or women) bucket and sponge duties, like boxing, in between rounds, is sought, for cold water and sponge duties, the iron, for bruises, of the poker variety, application of nasal spray! sinus and steam clearence, to align it, with my TOPGUN days,

    I'll be your MAVERICK (Apt Moniker) if, you will be my GOOSE, pj, ladies man, sorry lads.

    Maybe, the never ending, "runbad frustrations, simply don't convey"

    Try again.

    set of QQQ huge hand, 9000 chips, bounty, cracked, 86% good, post flop,and pre.
    pocket A3, flop the inside st draw, hit the turn, can't hold to the Huge Stack 20% chance.
    Micro stack, blinded all in, turn river runner runner heart heart, to get their, flushing.
    And,against the same big stack player, , chip leader, 5 left, 4 paid;
    back to back hands, what have I got?
    Two Black Cards, one, a Q, other, an A, the flop, RAINBOW, AQ9..! do, pray tell, not snap all in, especially, 5000 chips, me, 5 left 4 paid, against, huge stack...
    Guess, what, I ran that into? AA, flopped AAA, and, a bell, Whistle, turned BOAT, come on? Xxx.

    Said it before, saying it again, £5.50 morning bounty hunters, what is it, I can't quite put my finger on? Three seperate, mtts, within a couple hours, today.

    We have, a 9000 chip pot, and, I am ' bounty hunting the all in player'

    Thought, I might, have a chance, only QQ, and a flopped Set, the math? 86% good pre, and flop it 86% good, with set QQQ, think that held? no chance.

    Next, seperate £ it groundhog day? Ft, 4 paid, 5 left,funnily enough, its me, v the big stack! Two hands running, coincidently, a player, I have never beaten, in 3 years!

    hand one; well, I have an A3, flop an inside straight draw, turn the straight! pj win the hand? don't be silly, the big stack, was 20%, river 6, splits it, lol.

    What, we got ear then? it be my exit hand,very next, after the above, to the same player.

    And, to actually take, a micro stack bounty, flop it, 80% good, no chance, turn river runner runner flushing. Lol.

    I've got, more 'flaws' than B&q & carpet right put together, like eccentric, but, do care.

    It's, this last one, after the above, and for explained reasons,..
    Come on, be fair 😘👍💋

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,473
    i'm not sure but is it possible @misterpj had a rare suckout? It's not like Paul to complain.... >:)
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    And, 3 hours deep, to go 3rd,twelve left.

    But, you mustn't dare mention, the relentlessness.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Not allowed, to mention, stuff like this?

    Funnily enough, a Sunday morning,£5.50 bounty hunter, funnily enough, right on the bubble.

    Wish, I could go from, zero to hero, by flopping two pair ( all in) on the bubble, v AK, then, immediately hit, QUAD 10 10 10 10.

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