gpc I get that gag, so supremely well, having been both a resident in each post code and a Patron of said establishment. Inspired, brilliant, I imagined comic legend Jethro in that Cornish drawl telling that, proper funny mate.
A bet, what's this! some 6-1 about a four time course winner, only up a pound for a recent Lingfield win, and just 4 to beat, 6-1 could be almost outrageous 😉 Newcastle 18.00 No 1 OUTRAGE 5 points each way at 6-1 BOG with the generous Skybet
Ladies and gentlemen, after this post, in this thread, I will keep everything, current and on point, to trying to punt a, profit, in 2021.
I know Gpc70 gets the point I am trying to make, maybe others, but, when I am trying to explain, I am writing this, as though not all, are instently conversent with bookmaking and exchanges.
for the first time in 15 years, just followed the exchange market on the exchange for the 11.06 Sunderland this morning. Surprised, pleasently surprised, traded volume, backs and lays watched it start from zero, to £250 and then all the way up to £36,500 at the off, with more than enough price fluctuation both sides, to be able for certain sure, to still offer the potential, to grind an extra bit of income, for anyone with the determination to do it
You need your tissue prices, preferably from 3 seperate reasonably reliable sources, back in the day you could subscribe too, trade tissue prices, ie Glynn a West Country on course bookmaker actually ran an exact service, called The Tissue, and certainly every dog track had at least one 'tissue man' some many more than one.
Look below, for example at three seperate tissue prices for the 2 3 and 5 dogs, then look at the price fluctuations only over 5 minutes, for the same 2 3 5 in the live exchange market. Might! Still be a bit of Old Gold available, might have to start 'panning again
1. your skybet club boost bet, reads ambiguously, for crystal clear clarity, should read Dettori to ride 1 winner or more, Dettori 1+ winners (written as such) winners is plural, and could be settled, a winning bet for 1 winner, or a, losing bet for 1 winner! Certain they mean 1 winner or more, but don't think 3s any real value. 2.Dettori only 2 rides, a drifting 5-1 poke, and a 9-2 shot 3. unless of course, Dettori is replacing Buick on the earlier two of Buicks! which of course would make it a maximum bet, with a bell and a whistle.
straight down to business Outrage 6-1 > 5-1 wasn't outrageous running all bets, - 40.05
Will Buick rode a 10-1 Meydan treble, Frankies two, still running. tomorrow night Chelmsford 17. 15 UNDER WRAPS handicap debut (Gpc)! for John Gosden 30 points win 11-4 Chelmsford 19.15 MELGATE MAJUERE 15 points each way a fifth 1 2 3 5-1 5 point WIN double 11-4 & 5-1
pretty sure, the Laura Morgan punters fan club, has swelled significantly after FIRE AWAY on Sunday. Laura, just entered 6, same day! if we have racing, close eye, to be kept
thinking back the The Gamble last Sunday I only wish, I hadn't got so preoccupied with just Fire Away, the Laura Morgan yard was ready in my stables I follow, which is why Fire Away came to my attention early Saturday evening.
Some of the racing press, and racing hacks, do make me chuckle.
'huge gamble foiled' 'huge gamble failed' 'last leg let's gamble down' etcetera Well, not really, when those horses started to get backed, in doubles and trebles on Saturday evening those in the know were taking top industry prices of 12s BLOWING DIXIE 22s FIRE AWAY, and the very clever bit, GALLAHERS CROSS being the last leg, was the biggest of all, 40s.
Even as those prices were going, can't remember the exact time, but around 9pm Sat night, 11s Fire Away, 6s Dixie and 20s Gallahers
To plan something that we'll, getting the horses ready part 1,then part 2 getting enough on, just think of a solitary £100 bet placed at the top of the market, 3 £25 doubles and a £25 treble, with the first two going in, that's just shy of £8000 secured for a win double, but the 'running up' gave them with the other two doubles and the treble, well over £250,000 to hedge with.
I think that coup was even smarter, GALLAHERS running 2 hours after Fire Away and Dixie had done the business, and GALLAHERS being a solid 4-6 shot (from 40s) and traded volumes on the horse, huge.Volumes traded, forget the gamble, the 'tick traders' were trading the price like crazy, lay 4-6 back 8-11,lay 8-11 back 4-5,and the other way around when the price was yoyoing.
Perspective, from a single £100 layout, £8,000 tucked in the sky rocket from the winning double, and over £250,000 and 2 hours, to hedge with on a 4-6,8-11,sp 4-5 shot. That is punting manna from heaven. How many lots of £100s? even when all the prices had halved, you would still be trying to get your doubles and treble on, the true amount, will never be public, the whole thing very very cute, Inc the timing, a busy sporting Saturday evening, bet the protagonists only wished the lbos had been open too, 3 tenner doubles and a tenner treble, simultaneously placed in as many shops as you could have got the bet on.
Since new years eve, the Laura Morgan Yard has had 14 runners, avarage 2 runners a week Results SKIPPING ON WON 15-2 sp JA'I FROID WON 9-2 sp UNDER WORKED OVERPAID WON 7-2 sp JA'I FROID again WON 5-4 sp FIRE AWAY WON 22-1 and all rates down Evens sp BIG PENNY 2nd 5-1 sp HASENKEY 2nd 10-1 sp OVERWORKEDUNDERPAID 2nd 7-2 sp (came out and won subsequent) DREAM POINT 3rd 10-1 sp
from just 14 runners, over 7 weeks, since Dec 31st
The yard, have got a right few entries, multiple entries, for sat mon and tue Yard been red hot for 7 weeks, if racing is on, be keeping a very close eye on Miss Morgans runners, as certain sure, many more times in the winners enclosure, like below, Miss Morgan on the left
now come on Johnny Gee, I don't want this hcap debutant kept under wraps, I want it on the snaff 2 out, then floor the accelerator peddle, then me & gpc can go on the lash if Boris not keep us banged up forever, if majeure improves for a pilot change and a step up (certain it will) we can go full beans Krystal 😉 be lucky
if you love reading a good gambling yarn, Norman Leighs 1976 tomme Thirteen Against The Bank is of the can't put down variety featuring this '; which would only have some sort of chance, punting these, if you could get on!
correct gpc but my true punting buddy, check this. Victor C and others, only want to lay 5-2 been backed from 6s, Mr Jardaines the top mob, don't like em, but 7-2 a quarter 1 2 EQUIDAE I'm having 15 points ew 1 2 at 7-2 price correct 10. 00 am 7-2 a 3 a 6 a 5 😉
if we all, ever get a normal again, will have to take on, an apprentice racing manager (ess) again 😉 got an ante post bet for you, plus, there might be Gold, in these 4 entries Two weeks ago, I wrote and backed, a horse of Jps with Hobbs, backing it again, 20 points each way a quarter 1 2 3 4 JERRYSBACK 7-1 freely available
so nice, to have a bet, that actually ran... so nice to have a winner, that bolted up in such a good mood, and to prove I am not an Artistic Licence Tipster going to put it in the ledger, as 7-2 winner, not the 15-4 with PP, that was available and not, even though I got BOG, as the 11-2 sp winner EQUIDAE made all, bolted up, Iain Jardaine, v good duel purpose yard
Always a big clue, VC when they don't want to lay one,.........................
15 points each way at 7-2 a quarter as posted 10.05 a.m the gambling Gods, if Chelmsford had raced, wouldn't have done, gone through, the Southwell card, tried to put Gpc on it. 🙄
Ledger, all, every single bet, was minus 40.05 settling EQUIDAE as a 7-2 winner, BOG, bolted up 11-2 sp...! is a 65.82 profit Running, All Bets, + 25.77 betting points, misterpj 'might be a decent punter' Love, best wishes all, bottoms up,
Gpc. 😊 Thankyou.. Big time dealt circa 2006.. 2008 with the real HM taxman! from sunshine Island, an experience, I wouldn't wish, on anyone, even..... the Hard Case TAFFIA MAFIA Vallees Boyo.. 🍾 then again, as you might expect, policia local, Gaurdia Civil and a Denouncia, all because of multiple green round Gills, Tobys.! For the PUNTERS.. Lingers, 2nd race on card AH, dab dab dab RYAN MOORE AHDAB. no BOG 13-8 Listed Class Animal, Ryan just got to, position, point, and only Tap the peddle 😉 In profit, all bets, this thread, a measly 25.77,outta be 100 + all 25.77 at 13-8 WIN..
Better value than SARD, Mr Richardson, ring, main side, Catford Gold Collar semi, 88, Mr Richardson, will you lay me please, a cash, £5,000 too £2,000,sp? 7-4 13-8...and that was a 1-5 poke 🌟👌😅❤️♥️😋.. best times,? worst times,2nd place, 2nd (worst times punting) to my own horse,getting beat at Yarmouth,.. other 3 sickening bets, DANCING BRAVE EPSOM DERBY, short head CURRY HILLS GARA, trap 1 Derby Final for a gazillion ante post, in winning multiple bets, Inc Rythme & Reasons National win, off its belly! at Beechers,and again swear on my girls lives without Google, think it was Brendan Powell ridden. and Mrs Reveleys Legendary Line.. Gwan,.. dare the usual suspects, look it up,.. Novice Chase, cantering, hacking, owned by in reality my buddies, Irish Norman and Tony Gorgeous, real owners, at time,not official owners as recorded in history,for the Mary Reveley racing club. LEGENDARY LINES Novice Chase, in running, 1 too 10,0000 (and NO) way before any betting exchange was even a concept, in reality 6,000 to 4,000 my on course cash bet, still can't believe, that got beat, a short head, funny camera angle, swinging, cantering over 3m,swinging on the snaff over the last.... Facts my Gorgeouses 💋 I have, my 25.77 profit, this thread since Jan 15th AHDAB Lingfield 25.77 betting points WIN 13-8
rest of youz, don't read A word, ti's Private 👍
Boyo from the Vallees, delivering a Nags Head to me Bed! so do excuse I trust, one fella with my life on here, Gpc70, so excuse. And, follow the bets, never had, a proper loosing year, real, real, real.. Gpc70, from our Catford, days, from the SE9. 4DU!!! mott post code!.. I swear, been making me smile, especially so, If? this Lockdown sh.. I.. te...... ever over, on me, come Lingfield (for real) be, a, stonking pleasure, on me, 2 day meeting, Lingfield, we stay Marriot, the track hotel. Mate, for absolute real, genuine real,... no idea,? Out, my 4 girls, two daughters, two granddaughters, ti's the youngest daughter, Gena, that's the Punter, the Poker player,..
Lived It,really don't give a Flu.. k... really l don't, every single day Extra, viewed as a BONUS. for Real. at 55, used every all nine lives, feel 105,kids and grand kids, set.
Proud, so proud Facebook, never past or present Instagram, never, past or present Twitter twatter,... never,past or present Just because I can pull off a post, from bookie Gary Selby, or jockey, Callum Sheppard, never been on it, in my life.
Now, what? have I actually done? Used all, every 9 lives lived (enjoyed) full residence Caribbean, Australia, Canaries All, and others, Made, as in, from nada, made, more than a lottery win, from nothing,punted a lottery win (after girls sorted, all the otherway) Owned, an Ascot Class 1 winner Gambled Insane Amounts... on West Hams books, along with Laurence Heard, schoolmate, Tony Aghana made it Sheff Utd, Tony (Anthony) schoolmate Laing made it,goalkeeper Charlton, captain Billy Bonds LandsDowne Road home, semi detached Mottingham SE9 1977 age 12,..
Flicks Dartford,Lyceum in The Strand (clubs Boyo) and Kisses Peckham high Street,pj the Dj, all fukn, real! Ken Edwards, son Steve Edwards KISSES Peckham High Street, London,..only fella, with my skin colour, that could get, in, and out, Chris (Bolingbroke) Stewart HORIZON FM, Camberwell, Brian Anthony JFM, all Pirate legends,.. Lol, Tim Westwood, with a voice like a choirboy,.. Yes he really did have,ON THE Bible, sat on floor, Peckham 1988,begging, begging for an LWR 92.5 fm radio slot.. .... and, you got it 100% on the monies, 18, bookie, Dj, add car dealer! Jeez, former home address, Mottingham SE94DU broadcast all over London late 80s,and..yes,dj,pro footballer, Punter,. !! with Page 3 girl as a Mrs Oh yes Boyo, real as real, her sister Cheryl did the Mirror, and L was my babi, mates with Maria Whittaker Kathy Lloyd, same agency, lived it sunshine, and, the Memories worth BILLIONS.. "😉 On the door, St Martins Lane W1,opp Pepp Park and Stringfellows misterpj superstar dj,seen em come, seen em go, still around 💋
sub contracted Military! Yep, Faslane Nuclear Base.. (later,much later in life, their 6 months, when, I had a concioience, and did my bit)
been in the ring, with the best,mates with Eubank Senior since 1987,had flat, opp King Alfred, Hove,was still, in the ring, Playa Bastian Lanzarote, and shredded, thanks to Dave Nails Payne, when Mayweather schooled Hatton and Calzaghe beat KESSLER,.. fight of the year I lived Lanza, Playa Bastia, had a bar Costa Teguise... Don't believe? Then ask Joe's (Calzaghes brother) Rectory Bar East Croydon after the Kessler fight.
All gravy, all good, much, love and kisses,.. Too Boyo, if Junior ever let's L Williwms (joke, Ingle juice trained) BIG BIG huge tell, every interview,.. without any fail, that rapid Blinking, and even bigger Tell, for real ACNE.. I would take, 2-5 at Middleweight, as much as I could get on, Chris Junior over L Williams,rada,rada,rada,test test test, so few, clean protagonists wont ever happen, Barry Kid Gallahad! contaminated juice shake, made by his brother, RADA,.. Lol..
In the place, the Boyo spouting off, features, Rivered 91% good (bubble hand £5.50 BH) with a turned straight, in the big blind bubble hand, and Rivered by a straight flush!!!! and Rivered by a J,with the straight intob KK, J river splits, to get out of jail pure HOLLYWOOD actual, Not a fool, never been a fool, seen every angle, with bells and whistles, hence,...!!!!!! Do point that out to BoYo 😉 the real truth, awful embarrassing😉
TV racing pundit, comms in the 1st at Lingers. Gosdens drifted from 11-10... Goedens was a short as 4-11, huge drift, plus a right old touch landed by Channons yard.
If wee handbrake Jimmy was on the Ahdab, be less confident.
Cant see Ryan messing about, unless the 2nd fav a bit special, this should be a bit of compensation for the short head wee jimmy bad ride, after the handbrake job, prior. 7s to 3s that day, 13-8 > 11-10 today We shall see, in bout 3 minutes, come the dabber, make happy. Gosdens 4-11 drifter, layed for plenty pre race.
PJ having seen the almost white Cappananty Con just swoop late to win reminded me to ask you if you have any memories of my favourite flat racehorse of all time.
I know it is a strange choice but it was STANDAAN, a sprinter that was almost white , was trained by a number of smaller stables and went out like grease lightning and said catch me if you can. When he won the PALACE HOUSE STAKES at 33-1 for YVES SAINT -MARTIN in 1981 I was ecstatic especially as I also had CORNISHMAN AT 20-1 for the legendary apprentice trainer Reg Hollinshead.
Huge thanks, and respect to you, genuinely what you wrote, has made the hairs on the back of neck 'stand'.. the names mentioned, more so the year 1981 (I was15) , because you brought back so many memories, of my old man, who knew the form book, and racing was his 'thing'.mentioned elsewhere before, the year GRITTAR won the national, a big win for me! same year, a correct Saturday win Yankee on 4 Lester Piggot winners, decent prices as well.
No Google, very special memories of Arundel (snaffi dancer) never even got a run!, and awful memories of what happened to Tim (rip) John's son, taken age 22. Reason for mentioning that, Tim tipped up one of his father's, the year before, to my Dad, won easily at 9-2,I know the name of that horse, but funnily enough, it was in that Era, when very naughty non political racehorse names, got by the BHB jockey club, can't name it, but, off the top of my head, a few others, real racehorses, Wear The Fox Hat, Liquer Rout, Mary Hinge etcetera, for context, out of a working class SE London Council Estate, no silver spoon,but racing actually doesn't have barriers, if you are polite enough to ask, every trainer I ever met, Inc dogs, horses, met a lot, loved them all, bar one, Mr Noseda not the most pleasent of individuals. But, greyhound racing aside,bookmaking aside, because of the old man, who worshipped John Dunlop and Guy Harwood, (West Sussex) followed horses like Warning, but the one, only one my dad insisted, as he was Major **** Herns biggest fan, that was 'got at' nobbled, without any shadow of a doubt, confirmed by **** Hern himself, (a disgusting thing, someone did to that special horse GORYTUS) my dad back that, every week, for months, only horse I see my old man heart hurt by. He, circa 1975 > always swore by racetimes,gutted to have lost, somewhere in my travels, a little silver pocket stopwatch, any race on the beeb, or itv racing that stopwatch was used! 70's! On a lighter note, do you remember the amazing 2yo PROVIDEO,trained Bill OGorman ridden always, by one Tony Ives, TimeForm horse of the year
and, without any Rhetoric, win lose or draw, gpc70 knows, I follow horses deep, (in my follow list) and I never give up, on any horse I have a strong opinion about, give you an example, this FIRE ATTACK, if Punchestown on tomorrow, has the first time visor, certain this will win soon, check its flat form,knew (saw) given 3 easys in maiden hurdles, backed it, posted it, when backed, 11-1 > 11-2 fell last in the Dreal Deal (20-1) winner race, what an enigma of an animal, that Dreal Deal is,love to own that.
Anyways, 7 days ago spotted FIRE AWAY! 11s 10s > Evens sp hope, similar result! No chance similar price!!
Punchestown Sunday 14.00 pm FIRE ATTACK 10-3 each way a quarter 1 2 five points each way at 10-3 backing it, could be a drifter, but also potential to go the other way, first time visor
I get that gag, so supremely well, having been both a resident in each post code and a Patron of said establishment. Inspired, brilliant, I imagined comic legend Jethro in that Cornish drawl telling that, proper funny mate.
A bet, what's this! some 6-1 about a four time course winner, only up a pound for a recent Lingfield win, and just 4 to beat, 6-1 could be almost outrageous 😉
Newcastle 18.00 No 1 OUTRAGE 5 points each way at 6-1 BOG with the generous Skybet
Ladies and gentlemen,
after this post, in this thread, I will keep everything, current and on point, to trying to punt a, profit, in 2021.
I know Gpc70 gets the point I am trying to make, maybe others, but, when I am trying to explain, I am writing this, as though not all, are instently conversent with bookmaking and exchanges.
for the first time in 15 years, just followed the exchange market on the exchange for the 11.06 Sunderland this morning. Surprised, pleasently surprised, traded volume, backs and lays watched it start from zero, to £250 and then all the way up to £36,500 at the off, with more than enough price fluctuation both sides, to be able for certain sure, to still offer the potential, to grind an extra bit of income, for anyone with the determination to do it
You need your tissue prices, preferably from 3 seperate reasonably reliable sources, back in the day you could subscribe too, trade tissue prices, ie Glynn a West Country on course bookmaker actually ran an exact service, called The Tissue, and certainly every dog track had at least one 'tissue man' some many more than one.
Look below, for example at three seperate tissue prices for the 2 3 and 5 dogs, then look at the price fluctuations only over 5 minutes, for the same 2 3 5 in the live exchange market. Might! Still be a bit of Old Gold available, might have to start 'panning again
and the market up to the off
1. your skybet club boost bet, reads ambiguously, for crystal clear clarity, should read Dettori to ride 1 winner or more, Dettori 1+ winners (written as such) winners is plural, and could be settled, a winning bet for 1 winner, or a, losing bet for 1 winner!
Certain they mean 1 winner or more, but don't think 3s any real value.
2.Dettori only 2 rides, a drifting 5-1 poke, and a 9-2 shot
3. unless of course, Dettori is replacing Buick on the earlier two of Buicks! which of course would make it a maximum bet, with a bell and a whistle.
Outrage 6-1 > 5-1 wasn't outrageous
running all bets, - 40.05
Will Buick rode a 10-1 Meydan treble, Frankies two, still running.
tomorrow night
Chelmsford 17. 15 UNDER WRAPS handicap debut (Gpc)! for John Gosden
30 points win 11-4
Chelmsford 19.15 MELGATE MAJUERE
15 points each way a fifth 1 2 3 5-1
5 point WIN double 11-4 & 5-1
pretty sure, the Laura Morgan punters fan club, has swelled significantly after FIRE AWAY on Sunday. Laura, just entered 6, same day! if we have racing, close eye, to be kept
Be lucky, pj
I only wish, I hadn't got so preoccupied with just Fire Away, the Laura Morgan yard was ready in my stables I follow, which is why Fire Away came to my attention early Saturday evening.
Some of the racing press, and racing hacks, do make me chuckle.
'huge gamble foiled' 'huge gamble failed' 'last leg let's gamble down' etcetera
Well, not really, when those horses started to get backed, in doubles and trebles on Saturday evening those in the know were taking top industry prices of 12s BLOWING DIXIE 22s FIRE AWAY, and the very clever bit, GALLAHERS CROSS being the last leg, was the biggest of all, 40s.
Even as those prices were going, can't remember the exact time, but around 9pm Sat night, 11s Fire Away, 6s Dixie and 20s Gallahers
To plan something that we'll, getting the horses ready part 1,then part 2 getting enough on, just think of a solitary £100 bet placed at the top of the market, 3 £25 doubles and a £25 treble, with the first two going in, that's just shy of £8000 secured for a win double, but the 'running up' gave them with the other two doubles and the treble, well over £250,000 to hedge with.
I think that coup was even smarter, GALLAHERS running 2 hours after Fire Away and Dixie had done the business, and GALLAHERS being a solid 4-6 shot (from 40s) and traded volumes on the horse, huge.Volumes traded, forget the gamble, the 'tick traders' were trading the price like crazy, lay 4-6 back 8-11,lay 8-11 back 4-5,and the other way around when the price was yoyoing.
Perspective, from a single £100 layout, £8,000 tucked in the sky rocket from the winning double, and over £250,000 and 2 hours, to hedge with on a 4-6,8-11,sp 4-5 shot. That is punting manna from heaven. How many lots of £100s? even when all the prices had halved, you would still be trying to get your doubles and treble on, the true amount, will never be public, the whole thing very very cute, Inc the timing, a busy sporting Saturday evening, bet the protagonists only wished the lbos had been open too, 3 tenner doubles and a tenner treble, simultaneously placed in as many shops as you could have got the bet on.
Since new years eve, the Laura Morgan Yard has had 14 runners, avarage 2 runners a week
JA'I FROID again WON 5-4 sp
FIRE AWAY WON 22-1 and all rates down Evens sp
BIG PENNY 2nd 5-1 sp
HASENKEY 2nd 10-1 sp
OVERWORKEDUNDERPAID 2nd 7-2 sp (came out and won subsequent)
DREAM POINT 3rd 10-1 sp
from just 14 runners, over 7 weeks, since Dec 31st
The yard, have got a right few entries, multiple entries, for sat mon and tue
Yard been red hot for 7 weeks, if racing is on, be keeping a very close eye on Miss Morgans runners, as certain sure, many more times in the winners enclosure, like below, Miss Morgan on the left
now come on Johnny Gee, I don't want this hcap debutant kept under wraps, I want it on the snaff 2 out, then floor the accelerator peddle, then me & gpc can go on the lash if Boris not keep us banged up forever, if majeure improves for a pilot change and a step up (certain it will) we can go full beans Krystal 😉 be lucky
featuring this ';
which would only have some sort of chance, punting these, if you could get on!
but my true punting buddy, check this.
Victor C and others, only want to lay 5-2
been backed from 6s, Mr Jardaines
the top mob, don't like em, but 7-2 a quarter 1 2
EQUIDAE I'm having 15 points ew 1 2 at 7-2 price correct 10. 00 am 7-2 a 3 a 6 a 5 😉
got an ante post bet for you, plus, there might be Gold, in these 4 entries
Two weeks ago, I wrote and backed, a horse of Jps with Hobbs, backing it again, 20 points each way a quarter 1 2 3 4 JERRYSBACK 7-1 freely available
so nice to have a winner, that bolted up
in such a good mood, and to prove I am not an Artistic Licence Tipster
going to put it in the ledger, as 7-2 winner, not the 15-4 with PP, that was available
and not, even though I got BOG, as the 11-2 sp winner
EQUIDAE made all, bolted up, Iain Jardaine, v good duel purpose yard
Always a big clue, VC when they don't want to lay one,.........................
15 points each way at 7-2 a quarter
as posted 10.05 a.m
the gambling Gods, if Chelmsford had raced, wouldn't have done, gone through, the Southwell card, tried to put Gpc on it. 🙄
Ledger, all, every single bet, was minus 40.05
settling EQUIDAE as a 7-2 winner, BOG, bolted up 11-2 sp...!
is a 65.82 profit
Running, All Bets, + 25.77 betting points, misterpj 'might be a decent punter'
Love, best wishes all, bottoms up,
Big time dealt circa 2006.. 2008 with the real HM taxman!
from sunshine Island, an experience, I wouldn't wish, on anyone, even.....
the Hard Case TAFFIA MAFIA Vallees Boyo.. 🍾 then again, as you might expect, policia local, Gaurdia Civil and a Denouncia, all because of multiple green round Gills, Tobys.!
For the PUNTERS..
Lingers, 2nd race on card
AH, dab dab dab RYAN MOORE AHDAB. no BOG 13-8
Listed Class Animal, Ryan just got to, position, point, and only Tap the peddle 😉
In profit, all bets, this thread, a measly 25.77,outta be 100 + all 25.77 at 13-8 WIN..
Better value than SARD, Mr Richardson, ring, main side, Catford Gold Collar semi, 88, Mr Richardson, will you lay me please, a cash, £5,000 too £2,000,sp? 7-4 13-8...and that was a 1-5 poke 🌟👌😅❤️♥️😋..
best times,?
worst times,2nd place, 2nd (worst times punting) to my own horse,getting beat at Yarmouth,.. other 3 sickening bets, DANCING BRAVE EPSOM DERBY, short head
CURRY HILLS GARA, trap 1 Derby Final for a gazillion ante post, in winning multiple bets, Inc Rythme & Reasons National win, off its belly! at Beechers,and again swear on my girls lives without Google, think it was Brendan Powell ridden.
Mrs Reveleys Legendary Line..
Gwan,.. dare the usual suspects, look it up,..
Novice Chase, cantering, hacking, owned by in reality my buddies, Irish Norman and Tony Gorgeous, real owners, at time,not official owners as recorded in history,for the Mary Reveley racing club.
LEGENDARY LINES Novice Chase, in running, 1 too 10,0000 (and NO)
way before any betting exchange was even a concept, in reality 6,000 to 4,000 my on course cash bet, still can't believe, that got beat, a short head, funny camera angle, swinging, cantering over 3m,swinging on the snaff over the last.... Facts my Gorgeouses 💋
I have, my 25.77 profit, this thread since Jan 15th
AHDAB Lingfield 25.77 betting points WIN 13-8
rest of youz, don't read A word, ti's Private 👍
Boyo from the Vallees, delivering a Nags Head to me Bed! so do excuse
I trust, one fella with my life on here, Gpc70, so excuse.
And, follow the bets, never had, a proper loosing year, real, real, real..
from our Catford, days, from the SE9. 4DU!!! mott post code!..
I swear, been making me smile, especially so,
If? this Lockdown sh.. I.. te......
ever over, on me, come Lingfield (for real)
be, a, stonking pleasure, on me, 2 day meeting, Lingfield, we stay Marriot, the track hotel.
Mate, for absolute real, genuine real,... no idea,?
Out, my 4 girls, two daughters, two granddaughters, ti's the youngest daughter, Gena, that's the Punter, the Poker player,..
Lived It,really don't give a Flu.. k... really l don't, every single day Extra, viewed as a BONUS. for Real.
at 55, used every all nine lives, feel 105,kids and grand kids, set.
Proud, so proud
Facebook, never past or present
Instagram, never, past or present
Twitter twatter,... never,past or present
Just because I can pull off a post, from bookie Gary Selby, or jockey, Callum Sheppard, never been on it, in my life.
Now, what? have I actually done?
Used all, every 9 lives
lived (enjoyed) full residence Caribbean, Australia, Canaries All, and others,
Made, as in, from nada, made, more than a lottery win, from nothing,punted a lottery win (after girls sorted, all the otherway)
Owned, an Ascot Class 1 winner
Gambled Insane Amounts...
on West Hams books, along with Laurence Heard, schoolmate, Tony Aghana made it Sheff Utd, Tony (Anthony) schoolmate Laing made it,goalkeeper Charlton, captain Billy Bonds LandsDowne Road home, semi detached Mottingham SE9 1977 age 12,..
Flicks Dartford,Lyceum in The Strand (clubs Boyo) and Kisses Peckham high Street,pj the Dj, all fukn, real! Ken Edwards, son Steve Edwards KISSES Peckham High Street, London,..only fella, with my skin colour, that could get, in, and out, Chris (Bolingbroke) Stewart HORIZON FM, Camberwell, Brian Anthony JFM, all Pirate legends,..
Lol, Tim Westwood, with a voice like a choirboy,..
Yes he really did have,ON THE Bible, sat on floor, Peckham 1988,begging, begging for an LWR 92.5 fm radio slot.. .... and, you got it 100% on the monies, 18, bookie, Dj, add car dealer!
Jeez, former home address, Mottingham SE94DU broadcast all over London late 80s,and..yes,dj,pro footballer, Punter,. !! with Page 3 girl as a Mrs
Oh yes Boyo, real as real, her sister Cheryl did the Mirror, and L was my babi, mates with Maria Whittaker Kathy Lloyd, same agency, lived it sunshine, and, the Memories worth BILLIONS.. "😉
On the door, St Martins Lane W1,opp Pepp Park and Stringfellows
misterpj superstar dj,seen em come, seen em go, still around 💋
sub contracted Military!
Yep, Faslane Nuclear Base..
(later,much later in life, their 6 months, when, I had a concioience, and did my bit)
been in the ring, with the best,mates with Eubank Senior since 1987,had flat, opp King Alfred, Hove,was still, in the ring, Playa Bastian Lanzarote, and shredded, thanks to Dave Nails Payne, when Mayweather schooled Hatton and Calzaghe beat KESSLER,.. fight of the year I lived Lanza, Playa Bastia, had a bar Costa Teguise...
Don't believe? Then ask Joe's (Calzaghes brother)
Rectory Bar East Croydon after the Kessler fight.
All gravy, all good, much, love and kisses,..
Too Boyo, if Junior ever let's L Williwms (joke, Ingle juice trained) BIG BIG huge tell, every interview,.. without any fail, that rapid Blinking, and even bigger Tell, for real ACNE..
I would take, 2-5 at Middleweight, as much as I could get on, Chris Junior
over L Williams,rada,rada,rada,test test test, so few, clean protagonists
wont ever happen, Barry Kid Gallahad! contaminated juice shake, made by his brother, RADA,.. Lol..
In the place, the Boyo spouting off, features, Rivered 91% good (bubble hand £5.50 BH) with a turned straight, in the big blind bubble hand, and Rivered by a straight flush!!!! and Rivered by a J,with the straight intob KK, J river splits, to get out of jail pure HOLLYWOOD actual,
Not a fool, never been a fool, seen every angle, with bells and whistles, hence,...!!!!!!
Do point that out to BoYo 😉 the real truth, awful embarrassing😉
Gosdens drifted from 11-10...
Goedens was a short as 4-11, huge drift, plus a right old touch landed by Channons yard.
If wee handbrake Jimmy was on the Ahdab, be less confident.
Cant see Ryan messing about, unless the 2nd fav a bit special, this should be a bit of compensation for the short head wee jimmy bad ride, after the handbrake job, prior.
7s to 3s that day, 13-8 > 11-10 today
We shall see, in bout 3 minutes, come the dabber, make happy.
Gosdens 4-11 drifter, layed for plenty pre race.
get in the AHDAB, different gear, think that Rating might be going up...
Now who said that, 3 months ago
Not a bad Punter, that mistrrpj
Total running, all, every single bet
+ Plus 72.32 points profit.
Ante Post bets, on an event not run, stakes refunded, ie Betfair Hurdle obviously cancelled, shame
I know it is a strange choice but it was STANDAAN, a sprinter that was almost white , was trained by a number of smaller stables and went out like grease lightning and said catch me if you can. When he won the PALACE HOUSE STAKES at 33-1 for YVES SAINT -MARTIN in 1981 I was ecstatic especially as I also had CORNISHMAN AT 20-1 for the legendary apprentice trainer Reg Hollinshead.
Those were the days
Huge thanks, and respect to you, genuinely what you wrote, has made the hairs on the back of neck 'stand'.. the names mentioned, more so the year 1981
(I was15) , because you brought back so many memories, of my old man, who knew the form book, and racing was his 'thing'.mentioned elsewhere before, the year GRITTAR won the national, a big win for me! same year, a correct Saturday win Yankee on 4 Lester Piggot winners, decent prices as well.
No Google, very special memories of Arundel (snaffi dancer) never even got a run!, and awful memories of what happened to Tim (rip) John's son, taken age 22. Reason for mentioning that, Tim tipped up one of his father's, the year before, to my Dad, won easily at 9-2,I know the name of that horse, but funnily enough, it was in that Era, when very naughty non political racehorse names, got by the BHB jockey club, can't name it, but, off the top of my head, a few others, real racehorses, Wear The Fox Hat, Liquer Rout, Mary Hinge etcetera,
for context, out of a working class SE London Council Estate, no silver spoon,but racing actually doesn't have barriers, if you are polite enough to ask, every trainer I ever met, Inc dogs, horses, met a lot, loved them all, bar one, Mr Noseda not the most pleasent of individuals.
But, greyhound racing aside,bookmaking aside, because of the old man, who worshipped John Dunlop and Guy Harwood, (West Sussex) followed horses like Warning, but the one, only one my dad insisted, as he was Major **** Herns biggest fan, that was 'got at' nobbled, without any shadow of a doubt, confirmed by **** Hern himself, (a disgusting thing, someone did to that special horse GORYTUS) my dad back that, every week, for months, only horse I see my old man heart hurt by. He, circa 1975 > always swore by racetimes,gutted to have lost, somewhere in my travels, a little silver pocket stopwatch, any race on the beeb, or itv racing that stopwatch was used! 70's!
On a lighter note, do you remember the amazing 2yo PROVIDEO,trained Bill OGorman ridden always, by one Tony Ives, TimeForm horse of the year
and, without any Rhetoric, win lose or draw, gpc70 knows, I follow horses deep, (in my follow list) and I never give up, on any horse I have a strong opinion about, give you an example, this FIRE ATTACK, if Punchestown on tomorrow, has the first time visor, certain this will win soon, check its flat form,knew (saw) given 3 easys in maiden hurdles, backed it, posted it, when backed, 11-1 > 11-2 fell last in the Dreal Deal (20-1) winner race, what an enigma of an animal, that Dreal Deal is,love to own that.
Anyways, 7 days ago spotted FIRE AWAY! 11s 10s > Evens sp
hope, similar result! No chance similar price!!
Punchestown Sunday 14.00 pm
FIRE ATTACK 10-3 each way a quarter 1 2
five points each way at 10-3
backing it, could be a drifter, but also potential to go the other way, first time visor